Hello and thanks for reading my grow journal. I'm a MI caregiver and have my full 5 patients. My current strains are: DJ Short's Original Blueberry, BC God Bud, The Purps, THC Snow, and Sour Grapes. This is my 3rd grow. I'm attempting to grow organic, although I'm not there 100% yet, just through the use of Calmg and Ph up and down, soon i'll be making the switch to 100% organic, and it will be glorious I'm sure. It's a perpetual grow with 72 plants, i have a flower and a veg room. I'm thinking about switching to a SIP method using large, waterproof, rectangle boxes filled with lava rock using geopots (fabric) My Soil: Pro-mix HP, Organic Easy (prebagged soil amendments), EWC - cooked for 2 weeks prior to use. When the weather gets warmer i'll be attempting to source my own fresh, local, organic soil amendments and starting vermi-composting. My equipment: controller: Iponic 624... this thing is awesome. It tracks and controls temp, lights, humidity, ventilation, and CO2 for two rooms. It has a touch screen display, remote control on my cell phone, and it will text my phone if anything gets out of the parameters i've set. School? Work? Family functions? i know the exact status of both my rooms. I have a carbon filter for the exhaust, hepa filter on the intake for both rooms. Lights: In the flower room I'm running 3 1000W HPS lights, 2 600W HPS, along with a "600w" KIND LED, and 2 "300W" off brand LEDs. Two of the HPS are in a Big Kahuna hood, and the other three are in 8" Cool tubes. In Veg i'm running 3 48" 8 bulb T-5s. CO2 generator in the veg room House has central air and heater control for just the basement temp, so that is pretty well under control except for rare occasions. The people who lived here last used to be industrial heating and cooling workers. 10 gallon 'Geopots' (fabric) Blue Labs pH meter (with probe) (hopefully won't be needing this after the switch to 100% organic I've had one harvest from this room, and had a pretty good harvest. a decent yield, double my last yield, with much higher potency than my last harvest. I got the BC God Bud tested and it achieved a decent result of just under 23% thc, 26.37 total canabinoids. Excited to see how it is when i get the room and dialed in. I started a 1 plant test with the SIP method using a drip tray, water and lava rocks with a 10 gallon fabric pot with a flowering plant in it. Will keep you updated. Thanks again for reading my grow journal. Jake