Organic Soil

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Xcuz, May 14, 2013.

  1. I'm looking for a good soil that I can place my seedling in and just water it and let it grow without adding nutrients to it. I've heard that FF Ocean Forest and Promix are very good choices but I don't know if those nutrients will last 3 months.
    This year will also be my first time growing so possibly a commercial soil. I just don't want to have to mix up too much stuff. I initially planned on using 2/3 OF and 1/3 Perlite per cb ft, but I after researching a little more that doesn't seem like it would last as long as I need it to.
    Even if I was to use nutrients, what kind of cheap nutrients could I buy? And what schedule to use?


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