Organic Soil Mix- thoughts??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Shultz, Jan 8, 2024.

  1. Soil Composition:
    8 gal. promix organic garden mix
    8 gal. Back to the Roots organic potting soil
    4 gal. Coco coir
    7.5 gal. Perlite
    2.5 gal. Earthworm castings
    1.5 gal. Mushroom compost
    2 gal. Soil conditioner (High humic acid)
    3/4 gal. Vermiculite
    Total: 34 gal./4.54cu.ft.
    Organic Additives:
    2 cups Espoma organic plant tone 5-3-3
    3 cups Espoma organic garden lime
    1.5 cups High nitrogen bat guano 10-3-1
    1.5 cups bone meal 4-12-0
    1/2 cup of Sulphate of Potash 0-0-60
  2. welcome to GC, remind us, who are you?
  3. My name is JW. Thanks for the welcome!
  4. I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to run into any problems using this. I've done a ton of research and before adding the Potash and sn additional ½c of bat guano I was @6.7 ph and 850ppm from runoffs of 3 separate checks. I'd like to get the ph down to around 6.3 or 6.4 though. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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