Hey GC! I'm thinking of getting some living soil from buildasoil. My quetion is will doing organic indoors lead to more bugs and stuff rather than normal soil Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Negative. You'll likely encounter some sort of bug problem with any grow medium - pick up some neem oil from buildasoil, spray your plants once or twice a week and you may never see a pest problem.... For dosing, ask in the organics forum - lounge or thread on it's own should get you some help with any organic questions. 135w UFO LED Micro Grow: http://forum.grasscity.com/index.php?/topic/1308910-135W-Led--Organic-1St-Grow
No. In fact, I'd say you're going to have fewer issues with "bugs and stuff" when comparing properly built and stored organic soils (like that from BAS) to the "normal" soils that are commercially available.
YES! The good kind tho, like Hypoaspis Miles. You want these guys in there as they prey on the bugs and larvae that are detrimental to a plant's health. Spring tails and their larvae are ok too. They help spread Mycos and help maintain the Hypoaspis Miles population. Bugs in your "living soil" is ok. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypoaspis_miles -PG