Hi , I just started new babies in organic mix , the mixture I'm using is about half pro mix , half organic potting soil , some lime and a dash of bone and blood meal . The bone and blood meal only has NP in it , and I beileve the organic soil mix has no Npk value . And I cant afford to buy any worm castings or anything for another week or so , will my babies be okay with just NP and no K for about a week or so ? What do you recommend I get for the K ?
Yes, they'll be fine waiting on the Potassium. They don't use much K in veg anyway and wouldn't show any signs of K-def in just a week. Kelp Meal & similar seaweed fertilizers are good sources of Potassium, especially for vegging. In flowering, when Potassium becomes much more important, stronger sources of K are much more useful. However, organic ferts that are high in Potassium aren't very common. Personally, I use Palm Bunch Ash to supply flowering plants with all the K they may need (Organic Potash (0-0-30)). Some garden stores sell common organic fertilizers in bulk and you might be able to afford a few cups of Kelp Meal for just a couple bucks.
The bottom line is the lack of soil life. This is going to be your biggest enemy. Any organic soil mix needs soil life, which is added in the form of *quality* compost, vermicompost and/or earthworm castings. Without these items you will be battling everything the whole way. These are NECCESSARY items in any soil recipe. Next, and secondary to soil life is soil nutrition. Many folks starting out can use an "all-in-one" organic fertilizer, such as Epsoma organic "Tone" fertilizers. They're cheap and will get you the nutrition that your plants and microbes need. A well made soil contains a diversity of elements and minerals. Most organic gardeners simply dont worry about the whole NPK thing because they have built a soil that is balanced. It would be very, very beneficial for you to do some Sticky reading - there is a wealth of info in there from many respected organic gardeners. Good luck, and dont forget the soil life - first and foremost! Jerry.