Well, Im getting restless, and its time to start another project for y'all here at GC. This is also a means of alleviating my own workload, as a result of the Pest Tutorial Sticky - which keeps me busy night and day. I am designing this thread as a quick-reference guide. It will be alphabetical. I will construct it on the fly, as time permits, and the basic flow of reading should resemble something like this: Pesticide name. Generic name (Brand name(s)). Its targetted victims. Any other pertinent info. Please, if u have a question, direct it to the Pest Sticky, where u know I will be more than happy to help ya. My full PM box is alwayz open too, and I will do my best to get back to u as fast as humanly possible. My goal is to get this up as a sticky also, so growers have a dedicated home base to come and get the info, on a timely basis. Cuz in the bug biz, time is everything... Hope this helps Good growin y'all Freak
"BIO-RATIONAL" PESTICIDES Pesticides vary in their toxicity and in their potential ecological impact. Pest control materials that are relatively non-toxic to people, with few environmental side-effects fall into this category. Products that are generally approved for organic production are designated "OMRI" or "OMRI LISTED". Botanicals They are plant-derived materials and include Pyrethrin, Azadiractin and Neem oil, Garlic, Capsaicin and Vegetable oil. Botanicals are generally short-lived in the environment, as they are broken down rapidly in the presence of light and air. Products derived from the seeds of the Neem tree, including Azadiractin and Neem oil, are selective and have low mammalian toxicity. Garlic and capsaicin act primarily as repellents and need to be re-applied as long as pests are present. Microbial Pesticides They are formulated microorganisms or their by-products. They tend to be selective, so specific pests may be controlled with little or no effect on non-targetted organisms. Microbial insecticides include bacteria (Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) and Spinosad) and fungi (Beauvaria bassania). Minerals and Synthetics Some Biorational pesticides are minerals mined from the earth, and minimally processed. Kaolin clay, Diatomaceous earth, Insecticidal soap and Iron phosphate are examples. Minerals that are heated, chemically reacted, or mixed with surfactants ie - soaps, may be considered synthetics IMO. Synthetics include growth inhibitors or Insect Growth Regulators (IGR's) and materials that interrupt or inhibit the life cycle of a pest. Here they come... Freak
Azadiractin Agroneem, Aza-Direct, Azatin XL Plus, Azatrol, Neemix 4.5. Aphids, Leaf miners, Thrips, Whiteflies, Leafhopperz, True bugz, Beetles, Flies, Caterpillars and Army worms. Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), repellent, antifeedant, it disrupts the growth of immature stages, use preventatively, repeat applications may be needed too. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) subspecies Kurstaki Caterpillars, Diamond-back Moth, Imported Cabbage Worm, European Corn Borer, Tomato Hornworm. Acts as a stomach poison. Must be ingested. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) subspecies Aizawi Caterpillars, Diamond-Back Moth. Use in rotation with above subspecies of Kurstaki to prevent resistance. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) subspecies Tenebrionis Colorado Potato Beetle larvae. This stuff targets the larvae that are less than half grown. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) subspecies Israelensis Gnatrol This one specifically targets fugly Fungus Gnats. ________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not trust BT. It works tho, I will give it that. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Bifenazate Acramite, 50 WS, Floramite SC. Leaf Mites - not the other guyz lol, YET !!! This is a long-residual, and selective nerve poison for mite control. It is non-toxic to Bees. Spider Mites would drink this shit, look up at you, smile and burp . _____________________________________________________________________________________ Chlorantranilprole - say it fast, 5 times lol. Coragen Caterpillars, Colorado Potato Beetle, Leafminers. Used as foliar. Non-toxic to Bees . _____________________________________________________________________________________ Cryolite Cryocide, Prokill, Cryolite. Colorado Potato Beetle (larvae), Cucumber Beetle, Flea Beetle, Cutworms and some Caterpillars. Its a stomach poison. Must be ingested. Its a Sodium Aluminofluoride mineral. It can be applied as a spray or a dust. U have to reapply to the new growth as it comes in. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Extract of Neem Oil Trilogy Leaf Mites and only as a repellent for Spider Mites. Can be used to control mites. For best results, use it when population levels are low, to prevent build up. Repeat applications are def needed. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Thanks for the reference.Just show this to my buddy who has bugs issues at a grow farm.This has helped him alot.So has your other threads.Thanks
Thanx. Just the tip o the iceberg. Tons to come. If I could just ask y'all, if ya wanna talk, please reply to me on the Pest Sticky or in my PM box. I wanna keep this thread uncluttered as possible, so it can be a nice printable copy for y'all. Freak
The question was is there any possibilities to combating the taste due to a late in flower azatrol treatment. Another question I had was I sprayed on day 54 of flower, if I continue to flush for another 2 weeks or more, plus the week of dry and another 2 weeks plus of cure, will there still be hazardous chemicals hanging around? The product does say safe to use up to harvest of edible plants.
First off - sorry, Azatrol - not much here yet on it. But, as u can see, the active ingredient is Azadiractin, from the NEEM tree. There are no hazardous chemicals involved here. The problem is, the Azatrol, if sprayed on budz, will make them taste like strait-up shit. And u cant spray the budz, so ya lose them to the SMs. Freak
Well that makes me feel a lot better. Im gonna see what I can do about the taste. Hopefully I can get creative and it do more good than harm... meh, its only my second grow... I can give a couple experiments a try. THANKS FREAK! Appreciate it.
Anytime man. Wish I coulda helped more. We are at the mercy of nature as to when they strike. It hit you at a bad time. Good luck bro. Freak
AVA MAX is amazing just had a little outbreak of mites( 3rd week of 12 12 *OHNOES*.... 2 applications in about a week... and no signs of any mites or damage and its vegetable based, and the plants seemed not to mind it at all...
Thanks for the info Freakbro1 I've been reading up on Rosemary Oil to kill Spider Mites and have been using a combination of rosemary & Neem Oil (with organic dish detergent as a wetter). I spray once a week and it seems to be working. Ive been at it for about a month now, but seeing as this is an experiment I was wondering how long into flowering do you think I could go? Thnx in advance
Hey. Thanx for stoppin by. Ive never tried it. I'll bet u got the best smellin weed plants around lol . The Rosemary combined with the NEEM sounds cool. Neither is bad for the plant. Just watch out that u dont get any on the buds. I know for a fact that NEEM makes weed taste like crap. I'm not sure about the rosemary tho. If its working for the plants, Id keep it up until a week before harvest. Tres cool, bro. Freak
ENDOXYCARB Avant Many species of Caterpillarz including the Armyworm. It must be ingested to be toxic to pests. It causes cessation of eating, paralysis and death. Low toxicity to beneficial pests. Toxic to Bees exposed to direct treatment. ____________________________________________________________________________________ INSECTICIDAL SOAP (potassium salts of fatty acids - yuk) M-Pede Safer's Aphids, Leafminers,Mites, Thrips, Whiteflies. It works on contact. Can be phytotoxic to some strains of weed. Dont treat stressed plants. May harm some beneficial insects. Good against Powdery Mildew. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IRON PHOSPHATE Sluggo Snails and Slugz Its a bait that causes feeding to cease. Death in 3 - 5 days. Low toxicity to us and animals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ KAOLIN Surround WP Flea Beetle, Striped Cuke Beetle, Leafhopperz and Thrips. This shit interrupts the insects ability to recognize its host - cool. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ METHOXYFENOZIDE Intrepid Most species of Caterpillarz. This stuff mimics the moulting hormone. It causes premature moult, then death. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOVALURON Rimon Caterpillarz Its an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PYRETHRIN Doktor Doom (green and red cans) CB80 - Extra Tons more - too numerous to mention Almost any insect except Termites. Its a botanical insecticide with broad-spectrum activity. A contact toxin with rapid knock-down, but short period of activity (non-persistent). Highly toxic to fish. Its derived from a species of Chrysanthemum in Africa. Some formulations are safe for organic grows, like the above listed. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I just wanted to add, I used Azatrol 10days before harvest. Lightly on any plants that showed SM, heavily on a couple of my mangos. Cleared the SM right up, I'm about to start my cure in the morning and I have yet to taste anything horrible. I dont know if the bad taste you spoke of Freakbro1 comes from neem oil specifically, or maybe I haven't come across a bud that was sprayed enough to affect the tastes. But I most definitely have been smoking samples of my heavily sprayed mangos. Either way, everythings separated, and I will keep you posted on any taste or other problems that could come up.
I really have to get to work on this. Shoulda been done. It will be awesome for easy access to matching up the right kinda stuff for the right kinda pest. I have lots more neat stuff. Freak