Organic IPM

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Canna Smurf, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. need a plan for staying clean green but for prevention of pests. Read things about azatrol that have me worried about using it. Don't have much problem with molds but have fungus gnats and can potentially have smaller insects that are transported by the fungus gnats in my indoor garden. Any ideas I can use for preventing the bad bugs besides using gnatrol and peroxide sprays?

    Thanks a bunch in advance
  2. Fungal Gnats are an easy fix.
    Mosquito Dunks are a form of BT and as low a risk item as can be found.
    Crush one up and sprinkle at base of plants. Put the second one in your watering can.

    Neem oil is the most common organic pesticide. The cake mixed into the soil and a regular spraying in veg will keep things clean.
    Spinosad if you get infected.
    Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew is the usual pick

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  3. Gnats are usually a sign of too much moisture so you might want to dial back the amount you water.
    IME the best way to get rid of a gnat infestation easily (aside from reducing water input) is to cover the soil with dry mulch layer (dry leaves, hay, straw, bark etc...) and train a fan to blow a gentle breeze on top of the soil/mulch layer. Gnats are shitty flyers and the wind from the fan will prevent them from landing to lay eggs. Lay some yellow sticky traps to lure the stragglers away from the pot and you should be gnat free within a couple of days.
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