Organic gowing, help diagnosing deficiency/excess

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by t-bot, Dec 4, 2018.

  1. Hi All,

    I started an organic grow and all was fine till the older leaves started to turn orange/rust in color. This started with spots on the leaves and then some necrosis as the leaf part that turned orange/rust dries off. I looked a few places for deficiency/excess charts but can't seem to pinpoint the exact cause so I'm asking for help. Let me know what you think or if you encountered these issues before.


    Greens1.jpg Greens2.jpg Greens3.jpg
  2. I've had somethig similar happen to me in soil that didnt have any kelp in it, i was able to fix it using a kelp and EWC slurry, (check scoobie's notes), so i'm not sure exactly what caused the defficency since the slurry covers all your bases (nutrients and microorganismes). Whatever it is the slurry can't hurt unless you overwater it. -Henri
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  3. whats your soil mix?
  4. Can you tell us more about what soil your plants are in, and what is your watering/input schedule like?
    I would say there might be more then one issue here. Maybe a mix of overwatering and the nute burn.
  5. Looks like hydroton. Are you growing hydroponics?

  6. I grow in organic super soil mix, not hydro. No Foxfarm either. I just cover the dirt with clay pellets to keep the humidity in the soil. I'll post my whole mix recipe and such later.

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