organic garden in the works

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by Bobert420IN, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. What's up, GC? I've got some organic soil almost done cooking for my cannabis but we've also got an in ground greenhouse in the works and we're also planting a few fruit trees. (pears and apples)

    I've still got plenty of soil I can mix up and start cooking but I'm wondering if I can use virtually the same mix of soil that I would use for my bud in my fruit/vegetable garden? And as well in outdoor plants/flowers. Any help would be appreciated :D
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  2. I've gotta warn you. For many of the folks on this site, cannabis is the only plant they've cared for. If I were you, I'd read up on whatever other plant you're wanting to know about. Usually the seed pack tells you what you need to know. In my experience, I garden veggies and flowers spring-fall, garden plants aren't too picky. Most plants like good drainage so cannabis soil would be great I'm sure.
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  3. i agree LOL wheres all the serious indoor veggie growers or outdoor people that love to post and socialize
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