Hi, need help with this. I gave my plant bat guano 10:3:1 and bone meal 3:9:1 in veg. Now it is in flower. It will need low N, high P & high K. The solution in my mind is to continue giving it bone meal for the high P. And for the high K, I have 2 options shown below. Which one is better or should I use both? NPK 549 ORGANIC FLOWER BLOOM FERTILIZER - Maximized flower bloom. Fortified with natural mineral Major ingredients : Sesame meal , feather meal, fish bone meal , palm bunch ash, fully-fermented compost, organic rock mineral , humic & fulvic acid , beneficial microbes. 549 - Flower Blooming Fertilizers - enhance flowering, and more long lasting of the flowering period. NPK 258 ORGANIC FRUIT TREE FERTILIZER - Bigger Juicier & Sweeter Fruits. Fortified with natural mineral Major ingredients : Composed of various seed meal (rapeseed, sesame and copra meal), organic potassium (plant ash) and plant based material. Does not contain animal manures. 258 - Fruit Tree fertilizer - suitable for fruit trees, enhance flowering and fruiting. Thank you.
Problem with bone meal is it takes forever (more than a cycle) to become fully available. Using bone meal based fertiliser is great but just need a little extra planing. So if you keep the bone meal 3-9-1 with the 5-4-9 your problem will become too much N. Nitrogen is most of the time faster to release. As far as NPK ratio in flower there is 2 different opinion, first one is something like 2-8-5, (higher P than K) and the other 2-5-8 (with higher K ratio). I think the 2-5-8 ratio is the best. Look at the ingredients the longer the list the more different sources you'll get nutes from and will provide a wider spectrum of degradation and availability. If you wish to stay organic you can also look at liquid organic bottle nutrients. (Maybe your 2-5-8 formula is a bottle IDK!) Major brands like Advanced Nutrients, General Hydropoic, Canna all have easy to use formulas.
I think I found what you are suggesting, is it Mr Ganick? Great found great price! Great ingredient list I would definitely give them a shot. If unsure you could mix half and half of each too.
Yes that is the one. It is dry amendment. Where do you see the ingredient list? Is cannabis totally a flower plant?
lol you posted the list in your first message here=) Cannabis is flower plant not a fruit plant I agree with you seeds form in the flowers not in a fruit. But it does not mean that name apply to whatever nutes company names they use to brand a product. The main advantage of the 2-5-8 is it's lower N content. The 5-4-9 with higher N than P is not the best ratio for cannabis flowers.
Problem with bone meal is it takes forever (more than a cycle) to become fully available. >>What is more than a cycle? I gave the plant bone meal on 4 Nov, 12 Dec and 26 Jan. Started 11 weeks ago. It should be available now right? But not fully available is it? A bit complicated to understand how this works.
I'll take it on me English is my 2nd language and it's easy for me to make basic mistakes that makes the reading harder to understand! A cycle refers to the time required to flower the plant until you chop it. (about 2 months) You are nicely building your soil and yes some Phosphorus from the bone meal should be available by now. But think about it. Put some pieces of bone in soil. It have to degrade to a point it's mineral content can be absorbed by roots hairs. This take time!
Cannabis is flower plant not a fruit plant I agree with you seeds form in the flowers not in a fruit. >>Got it. But every fruit has seeds in it right? But it does not mean that name apply to whatever nutes company names they use to brand a product. >>Can't follow this. The main advantage of the 2-5-8 is it's lower N content. The 5-4-9 with higher N than P is not the best ratio for cannabis flowers. >>Okay. I will get 2-5-8 and continue feeding bone meal. Thank you so much.
Thanks, anytime! ... of course every fruit have seeds in it (unless exceptions like seedless watermelons) but also every fruits come from a flower right?!! I think the fruiting itself would require an other regime of nutrients as the fruit needs to form and mature so it would take more fertiliser and on a longer period. Witch could be closer to the needs of a cannabis plant as flowers would take weeks and months to mature seeds... ...Nutrient company brand different product under different names for marketing reasons it does not mean the name they use for a specific formula fits to what your plant needs. The NPK ratio and ingredient list will tell you more than the name. That's what I meant!!!
Understand. Bone meal fertilizer takes about four months to fully break down in the soil, so don't reapply within this time period. Bone Meal Fertilizer: Pros and Cons (thespruce.com) I guess no point feeding it more bone meal now. I will feed it worm casting, goat manure and 258 every week for the P & K. Anything else I should feed?
This is not a phosphorus source, is it? Potassium sulfate (K2SO4) (in British English potassium sulphate, also called sulphate of potash, arcanite, or archaically known as potash of sulfur) is a non-flammable white crystalline salt which is soluble in water. The chemical compound is commonly used in fertilizers, providing both potassium and sulfur.
of course every fruit have seeds in it (unless exceptions like seedless watermelons) but also every fruits come from a flower right?!! >> I don't know. Have not seen a fruit tree for decades. lol The NPK ratio and ingredient list will tell you more than the name. That's what I meant!!! >>Got it.
Guano is fast release? You mean faster than bone meal? Anyway can't use that. Too high N. The bone meal dosage instruction states mix 10-20g/10L soil before planting. Only 10-20grams. I wonder how much I should use for new plants in future. Looks like need to mix it into the large pot soil 2 months before up pot. Then it will be fully available in flower after 2 months in veg. Thing is how much to mix? 10-20g/10L seems too little. Is it?
Including it to the soil and letting it «cook» for a few weeks before is the way to go. I go by tablespoons witch are 15ml. You can go with 3 tbsp per gallon of soil. Bone meal won't burn plants if there is a little too much.
Its 100% a MYTH, to cut Nitrogen in Flowering. What they need, is a basic, proper ratio, from start to finish, with all the nutrients present, to keep the plant healthy from seedling-flowering. The plant will take what it needs, and no more. The main thing is to not overfertilize, or have the oncorrect ratio, in the first place. from what I understand, a 1-1-2 ratio, is optimal for marijuana, and Tomatoes. Though weed is said to like just a very very very small amount more of Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, and Magnesium. But the difference is really so small, its negligible. As an example of 1-1-2 would also be basically 19.5-20-39. And another thing to remember is concentration. You would need more of the actual 1-1-2 vs the 19.5-20-39. But all one would do, is give less of the stronger stuff. Or it could be 2-2-4 ect. All Nitrogen is, is Protein. Humans eat thingsvlike eggs, fish, chicken, beans, rice, milk, cheese, and this is our protein source. So, when we et Protein, our bodies turn it into NITROGEN. Athletes, try and stay in Positive Nitrogen Balance, especially those trying to build muscles, though, protein is also extremely important to endurance athletes, and its been found they need more protein, than once thought. Protein, is responsible for EVERY METABOLIC PROCESS. Including Mitosis. Which is the splitting, of the cells. But answer this?? When a plant starts to flower, its going to put on more mass, produce more hormones, and chemicals, than it has in its entire life. Agreed?? So if a plant is trying to grow the most it ever has, and is going to produce more chemicals, than it ever has, does it make logical sense, to limit the most important Macro Nutrient??? Protein, is the most important of the 3 Macros N P K. Nitrogen/Protein, is the most important. In Greek. Protin means, of FIRST IMPORTANCE.. Limit the nitrogen, at your own peril. The main thing is proper Ratio, and giving the correct amount. For organic Teas, I like Kelp. I like Both high nitrogen, and high phosphorus formulas, of Peruvian Seabird Guano. This gives a good amount of both Nitrogen, and Phosphorus, and the Kelp, supplies all kinds of Minerals, Growth Hormones, and Trace Minerals. You could even give them this, and then Kelp tea. Kelp will boost Potassium, and add what I said above. Kelp, is extremely beneficial. 4-5-6
Hi Robert nice to meet you! The more people react the more knowledge gets gathered. I have to kindly disagree with stating that the plant needs the same amount of N during vegetation and flowering. Plant just don't take what they need otherwise we wouldn't see nute burn. If plants could be grown healthy from start to finish with higher N ratio all the way in flowering, those nutes company that provides us their heavy feeding schedule that needs to be cut in half would be more than happy to sell us more N.. So why would they cut it? I take the time to respond because I kindly disagree. I don't like to rate a post with a «red X». Maybe other usesr will take time to reply and share their point of view. I see you like to write controversial stuff you have an outstanding record of 16 people that rated your post as «disagree» on 419 messages. People here are not mean with others and like to discuss so this raise a red flag to me. Feel free to give me a red X mr Fripp. Cheers!
Hydro Gardens, who had to shut down, because of supply chain issues, and had been in business since 1965, suppling greenhouses, and growing materials in general, and have been making Plant Specific Fertilkizers since the 70s, did Tissue Analysis, to come up with their Marijuana Fertilizer. SPECIFICALLY FORMULATED FOR MARIJUANA. They did TISSUE ANALYSIS to come up with their formula. tissue analysis said Marijuana thrives on a 4-20-38 basic formula With added 15.5-0-0-Calcium Nitrate, and Epsom salts. Tissue analysis said, that in an 8 weeks flowering strain, the plant needs ever increasing PPM, up until week 6, but the 19.5-20-39 ratio, is the correct NPK ratio. Its ALL about the NPK RATIO. Not depriving the plant of PROTEIN. It makes ZERO logical sense, to cut Nitrogen, when the plant is going to grow more than it ever has in veg, and is also going to be producing thousands of more chemicals in flowering, and people are going to cut the Protein, when Protein./Nitrogen, is responsible for every metabolic process? Also, this isnt ME, relaying this info, its from a company that had been making plant specific fertilizer for 40+ years. Most all of the flower this, and veg that formulas, are nothing but money grabbing schemes. If the plant has all of the basic building blocks, to be healthy, be it Organic, or Hydro, the plant will take what nutes it needs out of whatever medium one is using,, and no more. YEs, you can overfertilize a plant and burn it up, but at that point, one is force feeding the plant, which isnt good either. Remember the word Protein is Greek, and basically means, OF FIRST IMPORTANCE, and is responsible for every metabolic process. Its like taking Protein away from a Bodybuilder/strength athlete, who is trying to gain strength, and mass.
robertfripp sorry I've been a ass I did not mean it. Thanks for your kind response. I'll look at it more seriously. Let's keep a scientific approach too as one study wouldn't be enough to conclude of a result. And there is a lot of scientific, university, even government papers kinda going in the other direction.