unoit, what exactly is your av thingy sitting on? sooooo, ill bet you were jealous of my really top quality, plate-o-weed crap last week eh? ill just betcha.... im taking it your not REaaaly the braggin type, hows yours? bet it's awsome aint it?... we actually laughed about your sticky joint, been there done that its a difficult task to actually roll it... um forgive this stupid question but didigital camera? ill Loooove to show off peace and luv
done with plate o weed but i do hate it! crap lasted 2 days BLAH. i asked about the camera thiinking to sneek maybe a couple of nice pictures on a roll of nature film, thinking maybe but my man says noway. ... ok bottom line did u actually get yourfilm developed or did u do it yourself? im not up on um, this kind of etiquette so if im outta line, just catch my ass and tell me so peace and im SSSOOO BUSSTED for smoking a very tiny joint that was broken off a couple days ago, mr bossy hasnt tried it yet and its SOOOOgood lol theres no lyin about this smell./lmao peace agin