
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by AtownToker, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Hey all, I'm just a toker from Atown, Oregon. I like 2pac, Nas, Led Zeppelin, The Notorious B.I.G., and a lot more artists. I love Oregon. So this is just an introduction, I really don't like talking about myself. How are you guys doing?
  2. HIGH and welcome to The City AtownToker...I Zeppelin Also..but then who doesn't eh!!

    Don't have to talk about yourself Bro...me I'm doing Great this morning..outside could be Better though. Do you Fish AtownToker..me LOVE it...Steelheading must be Great where you are.
  3. hey, whats up.
    i got family in gold beach... idk if thats anywhere near you or not though.
  4. Gold beach is pretty close to me, around 3 hour drive but the drive is anything but direct. I like fishing, but honestly I'm not knowledgeable on it.

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