Ordering food when stoned can be a disaster. First off it's just myself right now, so did I really need 20 chicken wings, a medium pizza, and cinna-stix? But it got me to thinking of a time when myself and one friend ordered from a pizza place, and the order was two x-large pizza's, 20 chicken wings, 20 boneless chicken wings, an order of Lasagna (Cause that's what he really wanted to begin with), 10 sides of ranch, 10 sides of blue cheese, 10 sides of barbecue, 3 two-liters, and a god damned side salad. When it got there, we were just a few bucks short of paying for it, and my friend offered to pay the difference in weed. Unfortunately the pizza guy was a dork and not a stoner, and offered like we had just offered him Tuberculosis or something. I had to borrow cash from one of my neighbors, and then paid the neighbor back with pizza. I know not the greatest story, but it's what I got Anyone else got any ordering food high stories?
Funny you should mention this, as I look upon the ridiculous amount of KFC I bought. I was watching the Medicinal Marijuana episode of South Park and got a taste for it. I got an 8 piece bucket, a chicken pot pie, and a 3 piece crispy strip meal. This is enough food for like 3 people, what the hell was I thinking?
yeah.. this one time i got really really high.. ordered all this food. The dude showed up.. i paid him and left a tip. The dude split.. we ate the food. it was pretty epic..
I did something like this at McD's with a few friends about a month ago. They ordered a fuck load of cheeseburgers, and all I wanted was a McFlurry. I get up there and say "I'd like a McFlurry.", then the bitch surprised the fuck out of me with this: "What flavor?" Took me like 10 minutes to figure out what flavor I wanted.
Oh god lol... ordering food stoned can be a Bitch sometimes.. I remember one time me and my boy decided to go toke up and get food for everyone.. after 45 minutes we finally made it there and we stood there trying to decide what we wanted and when it came time to order we made it terribly obvious.. "Uhhh i'll take a uhh.. 1 large chicken fry uhhh.. 1 large coke uhhh.. another large coke.. uhhh... a" And it went on like that for about 2 minutwes until the chick asked me why i was talking like that. the bigass mirror avaitors didn't help out the case either lol
u gotta get something with staying power. like i always order waaaaay too much chinese food, but put that shit in the fridge and yuo got breakfast the next day! same with pizza. chicken...eh. popeyes has staying power but in my experience kfc turns into a puddle of shit. orrrr if u feel like going out, go to a buffet. then u eat and eat and eat and dont have to worry about where ur gonna put ur leftovers.
i pulled up to mcdonalds the other day, asked for 2 mcdoubles, and it said 62 mcdoubles on the screen so i started geeking hard lol..
I picture you bouncing back and forth in your seat just geeking hard as fuck, pointing and laughing at the menu screen lol
When I order at the counter I always get that "Is this dude fucking stupid?" look HAHAHA Er time er time.
Philosiraptor has much trouble order food at drive-thru. Drive-thru still hilarious while stoned, even after 75 million years of toking. Phones orders piece of pie though. Back in the day, Philosiraptor not need to order food, just hunt and scavenge.
That's what happened when me and some friends decided we wanted french fries. Halfway through it, we just kept ordering because it was pretty funny.
''Hello, what would you like to order?'' - ''2 shakes'' ''What flavor?'' - ''Wat?'' ''What flavor'' - ''Wat? Oh! Ketchup!'' ''WHAT?!?!?'' - ''AAAAH! Wat flavor? Chocolate ofc!''
Holy crap this always happens to me. I just stare at the menu and go "fuuuuuck". $10 worth of food at taco bell and didn't even eat half of it at least I had some for later. Also ordering a LG papa johns pizza and eating half and then going "now what..." Food for later ftw!