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Ordered From Grasscity - Have Some Questions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by matsuzaka2004, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. I just ordered a spoon, some salvia extract, and a grinder off grasscity and I have a few questions.

    1. I did the more expensive shipping out of the two, approximately how long will it take to get here?

    2. Will it have any trouble getting through customs?

    3. I had to do general delivery to the post office because my roommate is realllly paranoid about the police coming to our apartment or something (he's an idiot haha) so he doesn't want our address associated with Grasscity. Is it possible to have my 17 yr old brother pick up the package for me the next time he comes visit me, or would they not let him since hes a minor (would they even know whats in it?)? The reason I'm asking is cause I don't have a car and don't wanna hassle a friend to drive me to the post office.

    Thanks guys! I'm pretty pumped to get my stuff :D
  2. 1. No clue, sorry.
    2. Most likely not. Glass pieces have sometimes been known to be somewhat a hassle of sorts to get through customs, but it's a small chance anything will happen to it. Not even sure about the salvia.
    3. I'm pretty sure he could. People can sign for packages that aren't theres.
  3. if salvia is legal in your state nothing they can do about that, they may or may not care about the grinder, most likely not care. and the spoon is perfectly legal since its clean
  4. XD For what? We answered your questions dude. 'Cept the first one, but I'm pretty sure you can read that somewhere in the shops FAQ or such.
  5. i didnt get a final answer for #3 which is the most important, i don't want my bro getting in trouble for trying to pick it up :\
  6. Just logically think out what would be the worst possible scenario. (Directed by Michael Bay) Your brother surreptitiously walks up to the counter. He glances down at the receptionist at the desk as she types. She looks up at him, and he asks about the package you ordered. They ask him to sign for it. He signs. The woman behind the desk, using her laser vision, sees that there are glass pieces inside of the box. Because your brother hasn't grown a full beard yet, he appears under the age. She reaches under the desk and pulls out a shotgun and starts firing. Your brother dives to the side and takes cover behind a pillar. Pretty soon, all of the UPS men are on your brother, taking pot shots at his cover - He has to act fast. When all of them start reloading, he bursts for the door. The receptionist pulls out her sidearm and fires off two rounds- one nicking your brother in the shoulder. He stumbles out of the building, still pumping with adrenaline, and clicks the detonator concealed in his left hand. The entire building explodes into a roaring inferno. He walks away, box in hand, toward his car and drives off.

    That was really fun to write, thank you for that opportunity.
  7. shit i knew i shouldn't have even considered having him pick it up! i dont want him getting shot!

  8. Happens every time when my life is directed by Michael Bay. Don't worry about it.
  9. That....that was pure magic. Thank you sir. Thank you.

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