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Order question.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GanjaJedi, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Hi,
    I am new to the City and I made an order 3-4 days ago. The status says "Pre-Shipping" and I wanted to know if that meant that my payment has been cleared? Danks!
  2. anyone know? Thx again.
  3. it would seem so... thanks for the quick reply.. question resolved!

  4. dont expect to get it too quick tho, one time i got a bowl from GC it took like a month thanks to customs :rolleyes:
  5. sweet i ordered 3 bongs and a precooler and some seamines.
    Black leaf grip hole bong
    black leaf 8 arm percolator
    weed star double bubbler v2
    black leaf twin cooler!!!
    I don't mind the wait. I got a great price!

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