Orcs Must Die 2?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Made You Look, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Thinking about getting this on steam, looks like a fun game I could play by myself or with friends for only $15.

    Has anyone played it?

    I never played the first one but I remember thinking it looked fun.
  2. i saw it on the steam page aswell. i never played it but i saw a trailer and thought it looked fun aswell although it didnt peek my interest enough to actually buy it sadly
  3. Lmao sounds like the perfect game for a stoner
  4. There's a free demo on steam. It lets our play 3 different levels. Pretty cool game IMO.
  5. I bought the game guys :hello:
  6. Sweet. Add me on steam if you want. Bingopajama1

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