My w and a half week old plant has these little orange/brown pebble things this morning when i woke up and looked at them this morning.I tried to get a picture but arnt turning out well. I popped one and it had some kind of liquid in it. what are they and are they bad. What do i do to get rid of them. Please and thankyou.
dude a pic is needed.thats the first time im hearing about i need to see it to believe it.and help to diagnos the problem.
If you can't get a pic, look up "Scale infestation" and let us know if that looks right. It's the only thing I can think of that matches your description. If you have scale this early on then your best bet is to chop her down and sanitize the whole area before you try again. Good luck
i checked my baby this morning and the little pebble things where gone. weird. give it couple days see if it comes back.
Are you using a commercial soil mix or dirt form the garden? If it's a soil mix those may be fertilizer beads. If dirt from the garden they might be worm egg cases.