Hi guys, Rather angry just realised the power word I have gives off a bright orange light, and his been lighting up my tent... will this affect anything ? Have read mixed things
During dark periods it can affect plants in flower. Black electrical tape will seal off that pesky orange light. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
I do the same on all my boards, fans, timers, anything with even the smallest light gets a piece of tape Vote boom 2017 Testers wanted for Mars Hydro COB Testers wanted for Mars Hydro COB
Every god damn electrical yhing you buy nowadays has a fucking led on it... Even when its off... As stated just use som tape. My live feed camera has a blue light My power strip has a orange light My ac control has a red light. My fans have a blue light. Enough with the god dam leds on everything
Yi-home camera Theyre fairly cheap and easy to set up. Not the best quality video but i can see if aomething happened in my room.