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Orange/Lemon Juice Mixture?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bigwillie91, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Hello blades, I just squeezed 8 oranges and 5 lemons into a pitcher. I was told mix it with some sugar and water, then drink it and whenever you smoke you will get MUCH higher. Anyone know if this is true? Was only like $3 for the lemons and oranges, so even if it's not i'm not too worried. Just wondering.
  2. i dunno man, maybe if there was mangos in it. too high :smoke:
  3. I dont think so, but it would nice to drink this chilled while smoking bud prolly and yes throw some mangos in there.
  4. I don't think it would get you higher, just taste really nice.

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