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Orange crush Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by HighTime, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Smoked ok. What do you think? it was 50 for an 1/8th

    Attached Files:

  2. looks morel ike mids bro
  3. Looks exactly like mids that where in a bag with an orange peel. That's just my opinion. Not trying a bash or anything. I am just trying to tell you so you could ask your con. Looks exactly like what I tried to do to store and keep "fresh" mids.
  4. Yeah that looks like mids to me, get a new connect man.
  5. i mean, its not bad - but it doesn't look DANK... some much higher-end mids, i would say. Nice.
  6. looks like mids painted orange
  7. that's definitely not dank
  8. thats not mids or headies. id say its beasters nuggets. we pay 50 n 8th for beasters in green bay. 60 for an 8th of dank so id say you got what you paid for
  9. looks like some upper mids i use to get for 55 a 1/4
    if you get a buzz from .3g(if youre not too heavy a smoker) then its worth it
  10. lol'd
  11. please take some closer pics.
  12. Looks like some med-high mids. def. not dank.

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