Sharing my experience of taking a swab drug test recently (July 2017). I was prepared to do a Quick Fix and decided to google the company I was applying for and how they drug test just in case and I learned it was an onsite swab test. I found this out on Sunday and my interview was Wednesday. I immediately stopped smoking and I would have stopped sooner had I known it was oral instead of urine. That being said, all I did was brush and floss like normal and not smoke. I had 65 hours before my test and I was nervous because lots of things I read said 72 hours detection time. It was wasted worry as I passed with no problem. I went to my interview and they did offer me the job and gave me the swab test right there. My results came back the next day and I passed and stared work the next week. Swab tests are awesome and it was easy to pass, so don't worry if you are reading this and are taking one soon. Just stop smoking for a couple days and you will be good.