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optimum blazing techniques

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ghost deini, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. what up pot experts, i have heard the following are the best ways to inhale smoke

    1) hold it in for wicked long
    2) burp it out
    3) cough like a madman
    4) drink something then exhale
    4)inhale deep (like into your stomach)
    5)inhale a ton of air after

    so my question to you guys is: what inhaling technique gets you highest?

    basically ive been on a quest to find the ultimate way to smoke weed, if you are wondering whats the best way to take hits here it is: a gravity bong made out of a bong slide with a large bowl and a tube attached at the bottom(so the smoke goes thru the water), a bucket of water with ice, and a long but skinny bottle.

    also the ultimate way to pack the bowl is this: first put a nice base nug in then just add thin layers of bud and kief or hash if your lucky. you want a ton of layers tho the more layers the better

    ok discuss, this thread can be about optimum blazing in general
  2. Theres a few tricks ive learned, it seems i got more THC absorbed when i'm moving the smoke in my lungs, for instance taking short deep breaths, holding it in for about 6 seconds at the most maybe, exhale slowly.
  3. is the eating mangos thing in the sticky real?!? ahahhhaahh that is awesome
  4. I've been using this one lately-
    after takin your rip- suck it all the way in, hold, then exhale slowly,
    and when half your rip is out, suck all the way back in and hold- then exhale
    gets you real chucked up:smoking:
  5. i know what you mean, i forgot to say my method of choice so here it is: ok so you inhale your hit but you inhale into the bottom part of your lungs (so when you inhale your stomach expands) then you take in air in a lot of short breaths (not quickly though i spread these out over as long as i can) then i just sort of let the smoke slide out of me slowly
  6. Inhale smoke

    *one second*

    *two seconds*

    Exhale smoke

    fuck all that other shit. i get nice and toasty just taking it easy, smoking doesnt have to be a painful YEA LETS GET FUCKED UP process.
  7. #7 Cottonmouth 85, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Is nobody seriously going to tell this kid not to swallow smoke and burp it out? jesus christ.

    You don't try to cough at all, it's just something that happens from holding smoke in your lungs. You DEFINITELY don't inhale smoke and burp it out. And there is NO reason to swallow a bunch of air afterwards.

    You're smoking pot and inhaling it into your lungs. Not eating it. You can eat pot in a brownie but you don't literally eat pot smoke and burp it out.

    All you do is inhale the smoke, and take a deep breath. The smoke goes in your LUNGS. Not belly. Just breathe the smoke in deep, hold it for a couple of seconds and exhale.

    All you really need to do is inhale the smoke and exhale it. Don't eat it, or just hold it in your mouth.

    But onto the question that beckons after your question. Are you 12? Who the hell told you to swallow the smoke and burp it out? Did they also say asian women have sideways vaginas? Because that one is true. But don't swallow the smoke.
  8. #8 ghost deini, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    ok jimboob to each his own, i enjoy getting the most out of my pot, also i dont know why your talking about pain do you have lung problems?

    ahaha cottonmouth yes i agree its a bad method but ive heard from people burping does it best
  9. Straight deep inhale into the lungs (not stomach) and slowly exhale after 5 mississippi's.
  10. My strategy:
    Take your hit.
    Take a deep breath right after.
    Wait 2-3 seconds.
    Exhale about half.
    Take another deep breath.
    Exhale rest of smoke.

    Basically, when you exhale half and inhale again, you move all the smoke in your lungs, thus absorbing some more THC (at least that's what I've read).

    And you could do this technique multiple times within the same hit for maximum THC consumption!
  11. You gotta switch it up every now and then. Smoke and Toke. Mainly, just rip that shit.
  12. loveofthenug why switch it up? if one method gets you baked as a lizard and another only gets you buzzed why would you ever choose the buzz
  13. best thing to do is always take green hits. so pack the bowl tiny, 1 hit only. take 3 of those, doesnt matter how you inhale itll do you better than 1 fat bowl

  14. OR are their vagina's the regular way and every other race's sideways :eek:
  15. You just blew my fuckin mind man.
  16. why do you guys only hold it in for a few seconds then exhale? do you not care about wasting weed. ive been experimenting with different methods for awhile now and i can say for sure that holding it in for 20 seconds will get you more stoned than 3 seconds
  17. #17 Cottonmouth 85, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Yeah I hear you man. I held it on so long one time I passed out. It was awesome.

    No I'm just kiddin. But seriously the reason nobody holds smoke in longer then a couple seconds, or for that matter exhale smoke into a balloon and trying to inhale it again is that there is only so much thc in the smoke. The smoke is not 100% thc. Most of it is crap. Tars and carcinogens etc. The thc is absorbed I forget how quickly. But extremely fast. It's about surface to air contact, not about how long you hold in the smoke.

    So "ghosting" hits or holding them in so long nothing comes out is just depriving your brain of oxygen, and screwing your lungs up much faster. I don't doubt you feel higher. But if AFTER you took a hit you held your breath for 30 seconds then spun around in a circle with your arms out 10 times fast you'd probably feel higher too. But it's not from an increased uptake of thc though, if you get my point.
  18. thanks for the post man if thats the science behind it then i guess there really is no reason to hold your breath then hahah
  19. Inhale the air right after works best.
  20. French inhale and inhale very deeply, hold for 3 to 5 seconds, and slowly exhale through your nose. For me exhaling through my nose gives me a nice head buzz. But dont do it too often because too much smoke going through your nose might damage the membranes or some shit. Maybe.

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