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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by wolsdam, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. sup blades, i've been lurking around here for some time now but finally made an account to post and chill. wanted to get peoples opinions on what i'm about to do. here's a little back story..... bitch cousin snitched on me for smoking up because he some how found out i blazed through mutual friends or something, not really sure. anyways i've been forced to move back home, commute to school and be randomly drug tested by the parents.

    they're so misinformed its crazy. they think if i continue to smoke up i'll be lying in a gutter somewhere with my life down the drain. they don't realize that my gpa was near perfect for the last 2 semesters with me smoking up all the time, i had internships and jobs lined up, life was overall good. they think i'm some major fuck up because of this.

    i had a plan to type up a paper of sort that outlines everything there is to know about marijuana citing sources that would be attached to this paper, showing them that theres very little negative effects and many positive ones. before i did this i planned on showing them a documentary, i was thinking the union or grass the history of marijuana (kind of was leaning towards the union more) then giving them this packet and just straight up letting them know they need to accept me for who i am and the beliefs i have. they taught me to believe in myself and if i don't agree with something to find out the truth in it and really analyze things. i want them to realize i wasn't doing anything harmful and that i did what they taught me to, saw something wasnt right, found out for myself what it was and really analyzed it. i hope to god they agree with something because if not, i have a feeling of crazy backfire.

    let me know what you guys think
  2. Sounds good if your parents aren't too stubborn man.
  3. The only way to prove to them is too keep smoking, and living a normal life. If they see you can smoke and still be productive there not gonna bother you. But foreal man, why cant you move out? Sure living with the parents is cheap, but it comes times to support yourself.
  4. check out granny stormgrows stuff she is realy knowligable... damn im stoned. my spelling went to shit there.:eek::smoke:

  5. you really think that'd work? i did move out but they made me move back home because of all this. mad lame

    anyone got any other ideas? anything could help
  6. If your 18 they can't make you live them. Unless you rely on them financially or something.

    My parents are the same way. There's basically nothing you can say to change their opinions about marijuana. I try to keep my smoking as discrete as possible around them. Just keep smoking and proove them wrong.
  7. You're doing to much. Tell them that as a legal adult you will respect the rules of their household and won't bring anything they don't want into the house, but what you do outside of their house, on your own time, is your own business.

  8. i'll try that if everything else doesn't work. thanks man
  9. I would suggest showing them The Union (I believe you can find it on google videos or maybe YouTube) and watch it yourself if your haven't already. Really informative documentary about marijuana and gives a ton of factual information as to why it's safe and generally should be legal, pretty entertaining and interesting as well.

    Edit: my bad I didn't read your entire post

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