[quote name='"Jaurk"']Unattractive IMO, but works nonetheless. [/quote] Ya lol that's what I thought until I flipped it over to look at the price
[quote name='"Sirtokestoomuch"']Carb hole looks too small to function and it looks a little long but I like the flat black[/quote] I didn't think the carb would work well either but it actually does
[quote name='"Craiggers"'] how much was it? I like the frosted glass.[/quote] 4.99 lol...and the only reason I got it was because it has bob marly on it
Damn thats still a steal at 4.99. Fuck it. I dont like marley but its a cool little pipe to have in your collection. ONe you prolly wont use much but still a good back up piece id say.
[quote name='"maryjaneslover1"']Damn thats still a steal at 4.99. Fuck it. I dont like marley but its a cool little pipe to have in your collection. ONe you prolly wont use much but still a good back up piece id say.[/quote] Ya its a good one to bring to parties
That's a good price for it, about what I would pay for it, I hate these kind of bowls, I call them "novelty bowls" and I never buy them where they have some kind of cheesy "stoner art" on them where it's usually bob marley or some kind of stuff on there, and I hate frosted glass, but that's all an opinion, but for five bucks I would have probably bought it for a party bowl, like "oh no you got fucked up and broke my bowl... ahhh well"
[quote name='"Willyum"']kind of looks like a dildo. hahaha. I like the flat black though.[/quote] Haha I know that's another reason I bought it
[quote name='"Corn Man"']That's a good price for it, about what I would pay for it, I hate these kind of bowls, I call them "novelty bowls" and I never buy them where they have some kind of cheesy "stoner art" on them where it's usually bob marley or some kind of stuff on there, and I hate frosted glass, but that's all an opinion, but for five bucks I would have probably bought it for a party bowl, like "oh no you got fucked up and broke my bowl... ahhh well"[/quote] Ya lol....another thing if it breaks and I don't like the kid I could get all pissed and say he owes me like $20