So I have never owned a bong before, and im looking to buy one. I have $50 to spend and I found this bong which looked pretty nice to me. (I am looking for a small bong <10) I was just wondering what your guys opinions are on it? from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
It looks like a nice piece, the thing I hate about buying bongs online with perculators is that; they can rip very good, or they have such a small hole its a bitch to clear. Just keep that in mind, i would look for a solid straight bong, no percs in it or anything and make sure its thick, and if its 18mm bowl it just means its going to rip harder.
Well it's all in compromise with the quality. That particular piece looks cheaper. The glass looks relatively thin, and the downstem I can tell you now you'll probably want to replace.. But at the same time.. The piece is alright for what it is.. That's the kind of thing i wouldn't mind driving around with. Don't expect it to be knockout quality, and be VERY careful with it annd i'm sure it'll be fine haha. For 40 it's not aweful. I do agree with the above post, however. For a cheaper piece, you're really better off going straight tube.
[quote name="chldrnfbdm4" post="19341388" timestamp="1389747211"]Well it's all in compromise with the quality. That particular piece looks cheaper. The glass looks relatively thin, and the downstem I can tell you now you'll probably want to replace.. But at the same time.. The piece is alright for what it is.. That's the kind of thing i wouldn't mind driving around with. Don't expect it to be knockout quality, and be VERY careful with it annd i'm sure it'll be fine haha. For 40 it's not aweful.I do agree with the above post, however. For a cheaper piece, you're really better off going straight tube.[/quote]What about something like this? from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I've never bought a bong with a carb, so i'm honestly not positive on that one. The glass still seems somwhat thin, but if you're careful that shouldn't be an issue. For the money, it seems decent. Check your messages for what i'd suggest. The only thing i'd change out on it is a better downstem. It's 7mm thick, but it's double the price (80). It seems like a good starter piece, Thought I do prefer beakers. I'm also kind of picky when it comes to pieces. the two you linked would likely be fine.