Opinions on leaving a clip around the stem of a plant if it’s to tight to get off

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Noobgrassgrower, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. Hey all I bought some elbow clips for my girls for when I top them, they work great opened up the middle of the plant to let more light in, but I noticed today that the clip is to tight to get off and the stems actually started to be dug into, should I just leave them? Will the plant be alright or should I just try to remove them I will be using more clips but I’m taking the next lot off before this happens again, I’ll add some pictures thanks

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  2. I'd say they are too tight to leave on. If they don't want to come off I'd use a Drimel or some sort of thing to cut them off.
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  3. Trash them IMO, why have something thats gonna restrict flow? after all we are here for the weed
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Ye
    ah I’m aware it’s to right now but when they were on they were never tight I should of took them off earlier once it took it’s shape they are off now
  5. How did you get them off?

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