open world games only

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by travilanche, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. I find that these days I can only play open world games. I have been ruined by the plethora of awesome open world games released over the last few years. Since 2009, these are the games I have played: inFAMOUS, Borderlands,BioShock 2, Red Dead Redemption (oh my god this game blew my fucking mind!) Assassins creed II, Assassins Creed brotherhood, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Assassins Creed Revelations, Skyrim (jesus Christ what a game!), inFAMOUS 2, Borderlands 2, DCUO, Assassins creed III, GTAV, and Assassins Creed IV.

    Now in there I tried to play BioShock Infinite, and I just could not get into it. I recognized that the game was actually quite brilliant, but I hated the "on rails" feel of the game. It just didnt provide the freedom that I desired.

    So I really think that I have been ruined for most games and can only play open world games from now on. So I miss out on a lot. Anyone else have this problem?
  2. open world games are the best imo. always so much to do/see. your not limited to running around on a tiny map for 10 min trying to kill people, those games do have their place but i prefer open worlds over them

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  3. I feel like I missed out not playing Skyrim. Everyone says it was so great. But anyways, yeah I love open world games. I love having various things I can do and stuff. FarCry3 was really nice.
  4. #4 Vicious, Jan 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2014
    Go play Dark Souls is you can be ready for DaS2 in march. GOTY no doubt.
  5. [quote name="Vicious" post="19434159" timestamp="1391074688"]Go play Dark Souls if you so you can be ready for DaS2 in march. GOTY no doubt.[/quote]You think it'll be better than watchdogs?
  6. In my opinion, beyond a doubt. The big three for me this year are Dark Souls 2, Thi3f and Witcher 3. I think it will come down between Witcher and Dark Souls.
  7. #7 Happysack, Jan 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2014
    As far as open world games go, I'm a big fan but I do enjoy non open world as well, some times I like to be guided where to go, I don't get as off track this way and actually finish games more often if they aren't open world as much. I'm playing Borderlands 2 right now and loving it.
    ^^Right here DS2 and Witcher 3 this year going to be amazing and all the open world exploring I should need for a while! I just hope that I can max out The witcher 3 with my SLI 660's.
  8. Fallout 3 + expansions was probably the best open world game I've ever played.Omega369 :wave:
  9. im playing fallout NV with all the expansions right now ( got it on steam for $20 if anyone is interested) 
    pretty fucking great, with im playing an almost purely melee character right now and its fun man. planning on spending my morning smoking this grape ape, watching the 1969 scooby doo and playing fallout ( dual monitors are the best thing ive ever purchased)
  10. Go pick that shit up and play it then! The game is amazing!
  11. FarCry3 man. Best open world game ive playedSent from my Eris using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  12. Fallout 3 and Skyrim,my fav open world games.
  13. this is kinda old shit now but did anyone play Spiderman 2 for PS2? it was open world and awesome, you could just run around busting crimes that would randomly pop up, shit was so fun.
    and the combat and webswinging was cool too, it just made you feel like you were 100% in control of spiderman, I'm not a big spiderman fan but I wasted hours on that game
  14. Im a huge FF fan, the next one is set to be an open world one.
    I agree completely though, being led across a linear path is fucking retarded, i mean even if the game play is fun, i wanna explore, this is why i loved the paper mario RPG's for gamecube, they were great because there were massive areas to explore and secret areas to find, it was great. 
    In 2014 i dont think i would play a game thats just straight linear, oh lets go fight 5 of the same enemies themed to the environment, then fight a boss and move onto the next environment, with a different theme, different enemies finally! Move onto boss, move again, this formula is fucking boring man and even if its open world with a linear plot line id still play that shit, aslong as the plotline was decently long, i was really dissapointed with how short skyrims main quest line was, only dissapointment i came across in that game.
    But yeah, even devil may cry linear bullshit im just sick of now, i expect a little more for my money, im hoping DA3 is gonna come through for me, not crossing my fingers tho
  15. fallout 3 and new vegas were awsomd

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  16. #16 smokehound, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    I loved red dead redemption, so much better than GTA IMO..  I suck at that game really bad, but it's alot cooler IMO.
      Goddamned pumas come from outta nowhere..
      Love or hate rockstar, they make beautiful maps.  Some of the regions in this game had me feeling like I was actually in the southwest.. they actually did their research, they actually RESEARCHED the land, did a great job of making chaparral and scrubland look the way they should
  17. [quote name="yurigadaisukida" post="19440295" timestamp="1391151777"]fallout 3 and new vegas were awsomdSent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote] I haven't played new vegas yet,I want to tho....still waiting on Fallout 4.
  18. Youre not ruined, you just found out what your taste in games is like. Youre not supposed to like every game ever made. I have never played pokemons and dont even think i would ever, but the whole internet seems to go wild about pokemons and nutella and i dont like nuttella neither28:06:42:12
  19. [quote name="travilanche" post="19434110" timestamp="1391072755"]I find that these days I can only play open world games. I have been ruined by the plethora of awesome open world games released over the last few years. Since 2009, these are the games I have played: inFAMOUS, Borderlands,BioShock 2, Red Dead Redemption (oh my god this game blew my fucking mind!) Assassins creed II, Assassins Creed brotherhood, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Assassins Creed Revelations, Skyrim (jesus Christ what a game!), inFAMOUS 2, Borderlands 2, DCUO, Assassins creed III, GTAV, and Assassins Creed IV.Now in there I tried to play BioShock Infinite, and I just could not get into it. I recognized that the game was actually quite brilliant, but I hated the "on rails" feel of the game. It just didnt provide the freedom that I desired. So I really think that I have been ruined for most games and can only play open world games from now on. So I miss out on a lot. Anyone else have this problem?[/quote] Youre not ruined, you just found out what your taste in games is like. Youre not supposed to like every game ever made. I have never played pokemons and dont even think i would ever, but the whole internet seems to go wild about pokemons and nutella and i dont like nuttella neither28:06:42:1228:06:42:12
  20. I used to like linear games, I thought uncharted was awesome, as was BioShock, and resistance. But like I said, I just can't have fun playing them anymore. I recognize their genius still, but just can't enjoy the gameplay. If there is no exploration then I am out.

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