
Discussion in 'General' started by 8ight, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. so one of my good friends from school messaged me on facebook. he's not like anti-drug or anything, like he doesn't push it anyway. but he really does seem to look down on it so i've always been real chill on the issue around him. so anyway, we chatted a bit and he said something that he was doing all weekend and so he didn't have time to chill, and i my stoned ass said "it's ok i was high all weekend anyway."

    lol blew it there i guess... haha, i'm sure he's cool but i might get some looks now.
  2. Fuck him.. sike naw but I don't underastand y ppl look down at smokers their not all the same
  3. your gay, who cares what that fool thinks of you. its not like he's not gunna be your friend anymore. youre over analyizing things.

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