ooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ToolMan1026, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccckkk. i was just carving a new wooden pipe with the blade from a planer and cut the tip of me finger off

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  2. feels fucking bad man

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  3. Looks fake.
  4. I saw that too. second picture looks real
  5. youll be fine.

    ive done worse.

    clean it, and put the two pieces together and then all done.
  6. you can see where

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  7. Cool american history x poster.

    (i still think its fake)but still epic thread bro.
  8. Yes I'm the incredible shooper. I shoop that fast
  9. Lol thanks =) And I promise you it's not shopped. It fucking hurttts. The planer blade is thick and it's brand new too... So it's as sharp as a razor just 50 times more thick and more mass
  10. Looooooooooooool
  11. This first pic makes me laugh so hard.Look at his face its classic.
  12. Man up buttercup. Stick some duct tape on it and STFU. You ain't gonna die.
  13. lol thats what happens when you finger a chick on her period:smoke:
  14. I don't know why the blood looks so fake and I'm just really high... I cut myself then I looked at the blood trickle out... Then I was like OOOOW. And I went in the woods sawed the perfect straight think branch, took a knife and sat in a chair carving wood to make a smoking utensil. That's pretty manly

    I'm rounding out the bowl and thinning the neck so it's spoon shapes, then I'm sanding it so it will look a lot better (posting pics on here when it's done tomorrow) I'm also putting a silly spinny straw into the mouthpiece so the smoke has to travel round the spiral and cool the smoke

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  15. That is pretty damn manly!
  16. Your as manly as this guy.
  17. lol'd hard. theirs blood everrryyywhere. this is worse then when I gave my gf a coat hanger abortion
  18. are you seriouse about the abortion??? if so thats some fucked up shit choose life over death..

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