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Oooh i feel so at peace!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zr-01stamg, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Well i have only been getting some dank indica and now i got some heavy ass sativa something i missed alot. It's one of those batches that looks nasty but totally sneaks up on you in potency.

    Amazing thing is i can remember all the diff weed/highs i have ever had and yesterday i was tokin in my car with my cousin and a girl i coughed and realized it is EXACTLY like the first weed i ever smoked i wanted to cry i loved it so much:hello:

    I smoked a couple bowls last night and now i feel so relaxed and intune this morning have a nice smoke lookin at the mountain tops in the morning sun with a light covering of clouds by the tops i love it so much. Here's a pic of the coulds and mountains and one of a badass rainbow my GF saw.
  2. thats awesome, nice view too. I love me some potent indica strains.

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