Onward To Full Legalization ‹ Phoenix Tears Phoenix Tears Rick Simpson updated his website, looks beautiful and his messages are even better. Onward To Full Legalization ‹ Phoenix Tears
He sounds like flagrant liberal, but this sounds good to me as long as the next subject on his talking points memo isn't social justice Either way this is the kind of thing that should be taught in schools. Reeducation to correct the wrongdoings to a peaceful plant.
he lost me at his "i dont want my children to see real drugs" bit. fuck that crap, be across the board or dont even fucking bother. heroin never hurt anyone who used it responsibly. addiction is real, so is obesity, we need to stop hiding behind the word addiction. cool that he wants to go full legalization, thats dandy but, how dare he say that weed is the only thing that deserves it.