Only guilty people consent

Discussion in 'General' started by Sir Stoner, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. They want it to be illegal to do surveillance on cops to plot crimes. So they write the law WAY too overbroad.
  2. Yeah. I can't possibly think of anything else. Musta been put into place during the lawless and corrupt days of yesteryear. :rolleyes:
  3. In some states its full on illegal, recorded one of my principles when i was in high school cause someone hit her with eggs ( she was a bitch) and so she ran at me and i was like right to record ya bitch, so she actually got the school cop to try and make me delete the video, i pulled a bunch of rights bullshit and kept the video,
  4. Hahahahahahahaha. Nobody is safe.
  5. if you can tap dance, when the officer asks you to step put of the car do a full out routine . . . . .
  6. Ha, over the past couple of days I read this entire thread, watched one of the videos, and yet there is no consensus on what to do about searches.

    I used to think most of the world was black and white, right or wrong. But as I got older I started seeing more and more gray areas -- especially within human interactions.

    Some stories on this thread are what happened at that particular time, in those particular circumstances, with those particular cops.

    Let's face it: cops have all kinds of wiggle room. They control the situation. Your actions might work in your favor in one situation, but could bury you in another.

    So to sum it up: there are few (or no) rules.

  7. There is no consensus. What you choose to do is entirely up to you.

    If you think your stash is hidden well enough that there's no way a cop could find it (but a dog might), then you may opt to allow a cop to search.
    If you object on principle or else know that he would easily find your stash and you're better off saying no and hoping there's no K-9 nearby, then do that.

    Just do what you feel most comfortable with.

    The one time I've been asked by a cop if he could search my car, I took the middle road and told him I'd roll down the windows so he could shine his flashlight in my car and see that we didn't have any guns/fireworks (which is what he was looking for). I was shocked when it actually worked. :p
  8. if they ask to search its cause they already know, they dont ask everyone they pull over.

    when i got stopped i was like fuckit im cought anyway, may as well give it up.

    casue i did i dint get charged

  9. Because they suspect, not know.

    My husband got pulled over when I was in the car with him and the cop asked to search. We didn't have any marijuana on us, we hadn't even smoked that day. We just "looked" like marijuana users I guess. :confused_2:
  10. There you go, another "gray area."
  11. If your blazed as fuck and riding around with weed in the car, 9/10 times the cop is just asking you out of respect. You saying yes or no has no bearing on the fact hes going in your car whether you like it or not.
  12. Lotta paragraphs and text walls here but I don't ever consent to searches and when I've been asked why I always say something like "the right to refuse this search is my choice and freedom as an American citizen, I feel it's my responsibility to exercise that right."

  13. I would just say "I'm in a hurry, I don't have time for this". Always seemed kind of pretentious to me to be all "my rights and responsibilities as an American" about it. That may be just me though. :p
  14. My mom used to say that even though she was clean 100%, she would say, " im sorry officer but i gotta take my son home, we have dinner in the oven" and that would be the last of it, no drug dogs, nothing

  15. I think next time (if there is a next time) I'm just going to be like "I am period-ing so hard and I'm bleeding through my tampon, I gotta get home before my pants get all bloody".

    My hope is that any cop who heard that would be like "ewwwww!!! Fucking go home!" :laughing:
  16. That's actually a really good idea haha. Unless its a female cop
  17. Lol the female cop would be like, i know how you feel, and give you a speed escort to your house

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