One week without music.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by DoctorSpectre, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. I listen to music every day and it's played a huge part in developing my thoughts, persona, etc. Anyway, I wanted to see what it would be like to not listen to any music for one week. I'm not going to count music in movies and shows, because I can't control that. So anyway, I thought I would keep my progress in this thread and maybe start up some discussion on stuff...
  2. Haha good luck it feels awesome after listening to music after a long break.. Almost the same pleasure feeling you get from smoking a cigeret that nicotine hits yah and we all happy lol ...
  3. I couldn't do it. Seriously. There's absolutely no way at all.
    I would have to die.
  4. by the end of the week you'll probably be literally in withdrawals
  5. i kind of went through this when i went on vacation and when i finally got some headphones and played stairway, ive never heard it sound better. there is definately a greater appreciation for music, no placeabo as far as i believe.
  6. When I was in rehab, they didn't let us listen to music the whole month. I will never take advantage of music again.
  7. An interesting experiment Doc, especially if music means so much to you.

    The longest I've been without music is probably 4 or 5 months. I didn't miss it as there was no way to have it, and even now, even though I can listen to music nearly everyday, unless it's of a quality that makes it sound the way it should (no cell phones or other tinny sounding devices), I'm happy to be without it as long as it takes.

    Deliberately denying yourself something you enjoy is a good thing to do every now and again. Delayed gratification does make a difference, especially in this 'we can have everything now' culture we live in.
  8. "LIFE... life without music i can't goooo no!"
  9. I have went a week with out music before.I was ecstatic to even hear some Lil Wayne ha ha,now I have to go a month without music.I think I may die.Music keeps me sane by keeping my thoughts from wandering where they shouldn't.
  10. #11 aznno0odles, Aug 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2012
    everytime my ipod breaks i go fucking insane. i fix it and i feel normal again. its crazy and i need to fix my ipod like right now.i cant stop thinking
  11. sounds hard man, but i guess it will give u a different outlook, which is always a good thing. sometimes its better to take ur headphones out and listen to the birds and the wind and shit.
    deffinetly a nice idea
  12. You're not allowed to watch any Step Up, or musicals. That's cheating.
  13. I couldn't do this, please let us know how it goes. I expect you're going to come back like "THAT WAS THE WORST THING IN MY WHOLE EFFING LIFE!"

    What about TV show themes? Do those count?
    What if you hear music in movies? Is that cheating?!
  14. ...:p
  15. Now I have to admit that I didn't read through the whole OP. :rolleyes:
  16. I find this very very interesting, and I am also excited to see how much this could change things. I too listen to music for huge portions of every day. However, the music i listen to used to be a source of power, energy, a life-force to keep me going, but as my interest in sub genres changed slightly, and things changed around me, I have come to realize i have and am living my music too heavily, taking it too seriously and living its themes with to much strength. Its bringing me down. Im now at the point where even a day without music makes me feel terrible, but when i listen to it i fall into a state that takes great strength and energy to come out. Its a never ending circle. Live life and feel lost, or listen to music live life and fall apart by being brought down

    tried changing music genres, nothing works. metal is here to stay, maybe i just need time, love, and something truly decent in life
  17. Its good to take a break from anything. I usually listen to several hours of music everyday. Overtime it loses its effect it has on me, so when i take a couple weeks off its like the 'magic' returns once i start listening to it again.

  18. I'm going to start this from Wednesday, since I have a basketball game on Tuesday and I'm not going to fuck with the preparation by cutting out music. But yeah dude, this is exactly how I feel right now about music. I feel like every song is speaking to me personally, which I know is normal and that's how it should be, but it's bringing me down too sometimes.
  19. Choose different music. Try some without vocals. :rolleyes:

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