this is advice passed on to me thru an old hippie i know... one way to keep slugs away from your plants are to use beer and wide mouth mason jars. he told me to fill the mason jars half full of beer and bury them in the ground up to their rim about 10 to 15 feet from your plant. the slugs will smell the beer (they love it) and will go toward the jars. they will fall in and drown. just something i thought i pass along to you guys. hope it helps someone out there...
Another is the good ole copper wire trick. I used to use that trick to catch some scorpions, etc. lol.
I just dig a little hole wide enough for a tupperware container a few inches deep and put yeast in the tupperware.
You could also flare a piece of tinfoil on the base of the plant to stop slugs from climbing on the plant
Sure, go get some copper wire, tubing, or mesh and wrap it around the base of your plant. Don't let it touch the plant, I think I read somewhere that the plants don't like it, so I don't want to be the one to test that lol. Slugs hate copper.
im not talking about right next to ur plant. im talking about like a few feet away. and us a mound of soil around the trunk of the plant to keep shit out.
to protect the plant with salt you'd have to circle the base of the plant with salt - the rain would wash this away so it would be pointless - if you kept replacing the salt then eventually this is going to reach your roots salting slugs is something only cruel children do and a mound of anything around the base of your plant is the best way of inviting critters to access your plant beer, copper or pots with "slug rims" are the only way
if u dont wanna have to replace anything and get it for free / worried about inviting critters or it harming ur plant then jus use the grittiest beach sand u can find and then put a ring about 2 inches thich and half inch high or more and the slugs wont bother u again works everytime, and rain doesnt wash it away. also finely crushed eggshells they help add calcium and mag i think, but i still recommmend using the beachsand.
Cut a pop-can in middle around horizontally. Then you cut up about 1 inch and cut it horizontally again. It should look like this ______________ |____________| You can use duct tape to hold it around the stalk. If the slug try to climb over, it will slice them open before they can reach the stalk.
The beachsand theory is really interesting, is it actually enough to stop the slugs or i can put some copper wire (is it necessary?) above the sand?