One side of plant different color leaves

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Muskybuds527, Aug 28, 2023.

  1. Good morning!! First time grower, 4 plants outdoors from beginning of may- now. Plants were in wide open until they got too big and had to invest in a greenhouse about a month or month and a half ago to hide them. Transition went well and we're thriving. 2 of them are wwxak clones from a convention and other 2 are bag seeds. 3 were started in April and one started in June. The biggest bag seed is giant sativa dominant and has been purple from like week 2 of growth. In soil feeding foxfarm nutes but not the whole line up, just concerned about one plant, small and bushy, I believe the issue is either nute lockout due to ph issues or possibly wind stress from fan. Side of plant nearest the wall looks great, side closest to fan is lite green and starting to fade to super light green... roughly 4 weeks into flower... was going to do a sledgehammer flush and once dry feed it withcultivation nation flower (4-35-26) and some tiger bloom and big bloom, maybe a little Epsom salt as well encase it's a Sulphur deficiency... first grow... please help... soil is promix moisture control with about 30% perlite added when potting... 15 gallon tubs... watering every 2-3 days as needed, feeding about once a week, watering with 3 gallons or so... only have ph test strips sp trying to get that dialed in, that's why I believe it's a ph issue... half of plant closer to me is way lighter than. The far side...

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  2. personally, everything is looking pretty good. I see your concern with that one plant yellowing and I first thought it might be lacking food but the yellowing is more at the top leaf growth then older leaves...which is where nitrogen transfer usually happens.....with only a month left to go, I would be hesitant to throw everything and the kitchen sink at it....flush, feed, etc....I would just let the yellowing plant continue to fade into her final flowering week....

    good luck either way...sativa's are looking pretttyyyyyy
  3. Awesome, good to know... makes me feel better for sure, also dealing wirh a little PM unfortunately... been crazy humid here especially at night but with the dehumidifier I got a few weeks ago been able to get down to 50-60% at nights... thanks again!

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