One seed, root is out 2mm, what should i do?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by NorthernStoner, May 4, 2010.

  1. Okay, so ive been germating 10 seeds using the paper towel method,

    it's been just over two days, and one seed has the tiny white root coming out,

    it's only out about 2mm,

    should i leave it, or plant it straight away?

    All help is great. :)
  2. If you're going the hydro method, drop it in the rw cube and start. If soil, dig your hole and go! GL :D
  3. I'm growing in soil, also, when do i start putting lights onto the plant? :)
  4. from day one, as soon as u see a root. pop it in a pot and put a light over top. keep soil moist but dont over water and dont keep the light REALLY far away, it should be close, to prevent stretching of the stem, itl grow and grow and grow until it gets close enough to the light, and be more prone to snapping under its own weight, as well as look rediculous.
  5. Thankyou :)
  6. no problem man. anything else just let me know.

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