One Pill Makes You Smaller by Lisa Dierbeck

Discussion in 'The Bookshelf' started by jizzledfreq, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. Such a good read!

    It's inspired by Alice in Wonderland but the plot is much different.

    It's about a young girl named Alice who's body has matured a lot faster than her peers so she's got the mind of a immature 9 year old, but the body of a rockin' 21 year old. She feels weird because all of the older people continuously oogle her and make suggestive comments.

    One Pill Makes You Smaller is set in a 60's-70's era where everybody is about smokin' pot, listening to Classic Rock, and being a hippy. Join Alice as she navigates her way through life, the twists, the turns, her rises and falls.

    Damn good read you guys!
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  2. Thanks - I’ll look it up.


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