George Carlin Been watching his sets on netflix...the man is a genius...I love how he stated he never votes because it is just an illusion of choice...I'm honored to say I came to the same conclusion as this great philosopher on my own. Man he's funny...people ask if you could meet a dead person, I think it'd be cool to hang with him
lol i thought this was about some new not so well known comedian this is common knowledge my Friend Carlin is King! lol
He was one of the first people who really taught me to question everything. He will always be remembered for this. I've learned way more real world shit from him than my actual grandpa. RIP Mr. Carlin
Haha that clip was hilarious! I want MOAR [ame][/ame]
One of the funniest comedians, and i loved his attitude towards censorship and taboo... he's up there with Bill Hicks, in every way. not enough people know about Carlin.