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one huge bowl... or two small ones?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ex-man, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. i always seem to be in this situation. i sometimes have like a lil bit of weed and i can never tell if i wanna pack a huge bowl, put it all in one or cut it in half and let it take longer. wat do u guys do?
  2. Do the halves personally since i like smoking and two bowls means i get to smoke for longer.
  3. do the halves, that way you dont torch all the bud ya know? still got some fresh
  4. if its some good shit i would pack into 2 smaller bowls assuming you are smoking it by your self.
  5. I'd pack two smaller ones.
  6. yeah 2 small ones. because if one of those would get you blitzed, then why smoke double the amount and be sober later?
  7. shit, pack 3 small ones. just enough so u can get one nice hit everytime. you will have a green hit everytime! mmmm taaasty
  8. iBurn can I order the new mac computer with a nice speaka bump cuz thats how i does it. but serously how mcuh?*(_iNSERT cORRECTION hERE)-(much)
  9. When I smoke with a group of people, I load a bunch of snapper bowls and give everyone their own bowl. Then I just pass the bong around and everyone gets a green hit. :smoking:

  10. yeah thats a good idea. i think the bud tastes better that way and also i think smoking it that way is also more efficient. ive recently started packing smaller bowls in general.
  11. 2 small 1s.
    if its dank, no problem...:smoking::wave:

  12. The economy even takes it's toll on stoners
  13. two small ones duh
  14. DUDE!!! NICE fucking SIG!!!!

    I seriously bought bud from Jay and Silent Bob and a gas station yesterday. It wasn't them, but they were doing exactly what Jay and Silent Bob did. hahaha it was such a a good idea.
  15. Well I'm rarely running low, I usually pick up when I have a gram or so left. In emergency situations, I'll just smoke a fat bowl in one big rip. I love taking snaps out of my bong, and a fat snap will fuck you up pretty damn good.
  16. even if you smoke both bowls at the same time you will feel better about having two instead of one
  17. do half and half, you get more green hits

  18. .3 is perfect for a nice snapper
  19. #19 bilbreezy, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2009
    yaaa yaaaa yaaa all you bitches would pack 2 small bowls. Me personally, if it is a bong, will load like 2 0.4 snaps and get realllyyy reallyy baked. But I smoke an 8th in 2 days so I dont really care how much i smoke. eat ass white trash.
  20. wow what a bad ass.

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