ok so some background info, im 18 and a senior, and me and two kids, lets call them O and D, often blaze at this dead end street before school. so today, we planned to do that. however, i saw a cop and his car close to where we go, so i told them. O felt maybe we shouldnt do it today, but D thought itd be fine. so O decided to go with D, and i stayed behind. fast forward 2 hours. i find out that as they were blazing, two undercover pigs came up to them, and put them under arrest. D tried to run, but they got him down. so these pigs handcuffed O and D and took them in. basically, they are both facing misdemeanor possesion charges now, and O is suspended from school and D might be too. so ya, i must have some kind of angel looking over me, because i almost always go with them to blaze before school. anybody else ever been in a similar situation?
Damn thats one good call man. Basically if you see the police anywhere near, just don't risk it. What probably happened was that your "friendly" neighbors informed the police of your little habit and yeah, decided to get you. I did smoke once outside of a neighborhood (gated one) and we did it on the street. We decided to call it quit and left. As we were leaving a police car started to pull into the gate. Man that was scary as shit and moral is to never smoke on the street for me. Must have had an angel too because had I stayed there 5 mins later, he would've seen us and searched us, plus I had a pipe with me (stupid).
you made a right decision, you didn't risk it. smart move!~ and smoking at a dead end street, that is such a dead give away..that's begging to get caught.
This one time in hs I was smoking with my big bro. And at my schoolyou can't get in trouble if you were by the playground. So we are smoking and these two little bitch cops come walking up. So I started booking. My bro was running a little bit behind me and he grabs my fucking shirt. We ended up just running around the albertsons and going through the bushes. When I asked him what the fuck his problem was he says "I thought if they caught one they would stop" I almost stuck him but he could knock me out.
yeah man same shit happened with me, i was going to meet up with them at this spot which had a cop car patroling that very street next to it.. fuck so i had already parked, so i skated somewhere and caled them saying dude theres a cop right there ditch the spot, and the kid in the backrounds like dude shut up your just trying to scare us, ill see you here and hung up.. ha i was like wow what a dumbass, so turns out he had his brand new $ 250 bong.. cops went to the spot and arrested all of them, gavd the kid a posession of marijuana and possesion, trespassing, but the other kids were let go because they didnt have anything.. ha i bet that kid regrets not listening to me..
Yea i was about to light up this morning before school. But as i was getting my shit out, a cop car rolls up the street with sirens blasting. It then goes further up the street and randomly parks. Then another one comes up and disappears. So i was like i can still get away with this. Then a k-9 unit drove by so i said FUCK THIS and went into school.
whoah, sounds scary your friends were stupid for smoking in the first place especially that o guy fucking jerk
so glad i live in seattle where they no longer prosecute possesion charges. and that was decided a month ago by our new city prosecutor while i had my case pending i was so happy when i got the letter saying they had dropped my case
That's hella fucked up if your bro was really serious. Would of had to stick him anyway, brothers shouldn't do shit like that.
You do know that you saw cops there and decided against smoking? How does that show that angels were looking over you? Also, why weren't there angels looking over your friends? God had it in for them? I don't buy this superstitious nonsense.
You dont have an angel your just smarter then your friends. you shouldnt feel bad for your friends because you warned em.