So I exercise every day (intense cardio from soccer) and I'm just curious if smoking one cig a day would have any negative impact on my training? I'm eating healthy, staying hydrated and running a lot, but I just wanted to know if that one cig would hold me back. Edit: come to think about it, I'm not smoking one every day. Just every couple days, occasionally going back-to-back
Go to your local headshop or convience story and buy yourself a pack of nic nac's there miny filters for your smokes and get rid of the tar n shit. 1 filter = 10 cigarretes 15 filters= 1 pack 1 pack = $1 Simple things to help
I'm sure it wouldn't make a huge impact, but it wont help. So either its neutral or is causing damage.
A cigarette will fuck up my mental game. If I smoke one, I'll constantly be worrying while I'm doing cardio if having smoked recently is making my performance suffer. I'll wonder whether my workout feels hard because I am working hard or because I impaired my lung function.
I remember the days of having a cigarette or two a day.... ...Now im up to like 13 a day. It's not even worth it IMO.
Just...don't. If you must, buy an electronic cigarette. There's absolutely no good reason to be smoking cigarettes. "I enjoy them" isn't a good reason either.
I was mainly smoking cigs because I was told there would be a drug test for my uni's soccer team. I just enjoy the act of smoking, and I hate that cigs are the only alternative, but so far I haven't noticed any differences in my performances.
You probably won't see differences in your performance from 1 cig a day. At least not short-term. But... that doesn't mean it's "ok." Regardless, it's horrible for you. Even as just with one. Try electric cigarettes. Or at least roll your own cigs.
[quote name='"The Gooner"']I was mainly smoking cigs because I was told there would be a drug test for my uni's soccer team. I just enjoy the act of smoking, and I hate that cigs are the only alternative, but so far I haven't noticed any differences in my performances.[/quote] Synthetic urine is an option, depending on whether you are watched or not.
1 cigarette a day = 365 a year = ~18 packs = ~$145 where I live. Really not worth it. Plus the negative health effects. Don't get in the habit of it because it's a hard one to break.
Why even smoke 1 a day? You are just setting yourself up to smoke 2 every couple of days, 5 or 6 when you drink with your buds, and before you know it you've been smoking a pack a day for 30 years, and the Dr. is asking you if you want to try Chemo or just the surgery?
[quote name='"jmick"']Why even smoke 1 a day? You are just setting yourself up to smoke 2 every couple of days, 5 or 6 when you drink with your buds, and before you know it you've been smoking a pack a day for 30 years, and the Dr. is asking you if you want to try Chemo or just the surgery?[/quote] ^couldnt say it better myself.
I smoke 1 - 4 cigs every day some days none say 2 days a week but the most I will smoke is 4 cigs its usually no more than 2 I find if you give yourself a limit and dont go over it its a lot easier to stick to being an occassional/light smoker. I dont smoke in the mornings or last thing at night and I smoke Marlboro gold which arnt very high in tar and nicotine. This all being said its still very bad for my health but for now it helps get me keep my stress levels to an absolute minimum. edit: I have been doing this for 5 years and never felt the urge to become a heavy smoker.
[quote name='"nomoredoubts"']I smoke 1 - 4 cigs every day some days none say 2 days a week but the most I will smoke is 4 cigs its usually no more than 2 I find if you give yourself a limit and dont go over it its a lot easier to stick to being an occassional/light smoker. I dont smoke in the mornings or last thing at night and I smoke Marlboro gold which arnt very high in tar and nicotine. This all being said its still very bad for my health but for now it helps get me keep my stress levels to an absolute minimum. edit: I have been doing this for 5 years and never felt the urge to become a heavy smoker.[/quote] Cannabis doesn't help reduce your stress?
Of course but it is not always practical to smoke the herb as much as I love being stoned 24/7 for me sometimes its easier just to light up a cig rather than running around like a ninja on crack looking for a good smoking place whilst at work.
Yeah, for how long, a couple weeks? lol Don't bother wasting your money and damaging your only body. But if you do, get that additive free shit unless you want to smoke all 600 of these, from radioactive shit, to 60 cancer causing chemicals. List of additives in cigarettes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia