hey , so i live in the west indies where things are done a bit differently , so my story begins with me taking a shortcut to get to my dealers house , so i tried to cut thru this alley when this black dude pops out of no where and grabs my hand , and said to me " Give me your phone " , lmao my hand immediately slides to my pocket where i then realise... my knife is in my bag, as i took it out my pocket earlier . smfh. so i take i long look at this dude and it appears to be a thin 16 year old black male with a big ass gold chain , im like wtf.. and then two other dudes come into the alley and the 16 year old kid that tried to rob me runs like a pussy. so i turned into the street with my dealers house and BAM! 1 police pick up with 6 fully armed policemen rolling up on his property ... i couldnt turn around.. so i had to walk straight pass.. btw policemen here are the worst , they would beat your ass and drive away. so i walked pass and turned left into an other street when the pickup filled with policemen makes the same left turn like a fucking racecar and just sets off down this long straight road.... lmao so i decide to turn around and hit my dealer up , i ran back and business went on as normal .. bought my usual and it was some good shit. stoned as fuck at the time of writing this i dont even know why i decided to post this .. thought it was a interesting day :v and i dont knw if i posted this in the right place.
yeaa dude haha , i forgot to mention that my dealer's business is sort of a family business , his entire household works in the operation and when i was walking by the house his dad came out of the house yelling at the 6 policemen armed with assault weapons saying " yall only know how to harass me!!" :v i died laughing.