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One bowl of mids is equal to how many bowls of dank?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by crystal ship, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. How many bowls of dank is equal to one bowl of mids?
  2. in my personal opinion i would say 1 bowl of dank is about 2-3 bowls of mids. it really depends
  3. ^^ Right on target. Yeah last night I smoked four bowls of some 35's, just barely got burned, today smoked a single bowl of ak-47 and I am burned to the ground.
  4. Think you got the title backwards but its ok :smoking:
    For me 1 bowl of dank is about ~2-3 bowls of mids but the mids in my area are pretty bad and the dank is always quality.
  5. If its good mids like in my area then 1.5-2 bowls = 1 bowl of dank
  6. With my tolerance the two are kinda incomparable, 1 bowl of dank to my dome will get me feeling pretty high for 2hrs ish, whereas about 3 bowls of mids will get me to a similar high, but only last about an hour.
  7. This ^^
  8. i'd say 1 bowl of dank = 3 bowls of mids. however, you'll never get the excellent crisp high you get w/ dank no matter how much mids you smoke.
  9. thats a good question.

    cuz if its real dank, i only need 2-3 hits i'm good.

    mids, i need a lot a lot .

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