One bean at a time....

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by AM68, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. How many of you guys germ 1 bean at a time? I am trying to conserve my beans and hope to sustain a mother plant. I don't want to germ more than one at a time in the event they all germ and I don't have the space for them. I am looking to get a mother to clone and save the beans.

    Knowing it's a long process, anyone else have success with this? The seeds I have placed are supposed to be feminized.
  2. If you can only have room for 3, dont germ 5.

    If you only have room for 1, just germ 1.

    it only takes 24-48 hours for a seed to pop open its taproot ... so dont overdo it.
  3. I germ whatever I am going to grow, usually 4 to 6.
  4. I just see people throwing 10 seeds in or some abundant number. I hadn't seen anyone post about one at a time. Was just wondering if its a success rate thing or a grow area. Thanks.
  5. some people plant a lot when they dont know if they have male or females, and then throw out the males later ... but normally if you know you have femised seeds, you gemrinate as many as you want to grow..

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