One and DONE

Discussion in 'Politics' started by StickyBudHound, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. The starving Iraqi children due to sanctions story has been debunked but I doubt facts will change your opinion.
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  2. Find it interesting he says the US should stop "looting and pillaging" other countries, yet he's all for no borders and a free for all. The extent of his doublethinking skills are, well, impressive. That's gotta cause some deep rooted psychological issues though, we as a species are not meant to lie.
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  3. Those media questions are why people like me dont follow mainstream media. The media is so fixated at making this president look bad they probably didn't even hear a word of this press conference but instead sat there waiting for their own moments to ask about Cohen. It's a joke! Not one person outside of the Democrats and people who already hate trump care about the stormy daniels pay off. Its something that happened years before he ran and paying people to stay quiet is not uncommon. If they say its breaking campaign finance laws then what about Hillary starting this whole FBI investigation on money she earns from tax payers and political donations? Or did she pay for that some other way that we are all not aware of? I don't remember her having a private sector job in how many decades? This is so hypocritical it's sad. We have a slush fund in Congress that has paid millions of dollars to squash lawsuits brought up against our elected officials concerning sexual harassment, and assaults all the time. Our last sitting vice president was a total pervert and it didn't seem to be a story? Trump has took on prison reform and has ordered the federal government to dumped billions into low income areas and people want to ask about Cohen? Wake the fuck up Democrats!

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  4. Dont underestimate American power when our own interests are at question. Sure we high tell it when we are interfering with other countries but I think this is planned by brass. We want the world in turmoil so our military has a purpose. If we wanted to literally wipe those countries out we could. The American public views our many wars as nothing more than a reality TV series. It's good entertainment and great for patronizing the population who is disconnected from wars gruesome realities. If we see our own get killed over trivial reasons to be there than we call them back and move to the next area where we feel bombs can spread democracy. . The American population is war hungry, and there is a whole generation that has known no other way. So many people's oldest thoughts are of 911 and images of cruise missiles beautifully shooting into the night sky as mainstream media once put it. To whole generations it's the American way we have been at war their entire lives. How many here remember the first Bush vs Gore race? Bush literally ran on a platform of bringing our troops home and stopping the nation building and useless wars the Democrats always used to get us into in the name of spreading democracy. Now it's the norm from both parties. American politicians have popularized military intervention and the media has watered it down to a side story in the evening news as they push language censorship disguised as compassion in a multi cultural, endless gender population.

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  5. Trump exaggerates everything, that's why so many people call him a liar but in his mind he's not lying, just exaggerating to make his points clearly. SP has his opinion of America and he speaks from his opinion instead of from facts. Like most of us he thinks his opinions are factual.
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  6. I don't think we are intentionally spreading chaos, I think our leaders have their hearts in the right place when they intrude into another country but we can't make saints out of Satans, even by force. Or maybe especially not by force. We do drum up support for an invasion by exaggeration and I hate that. Still, when I hear stories about how a certain unruly group are throwing gays off rooftops and burning people alive and see those images it does make me want to do something about it so I guess I'm conflicted.
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  7. Open borders and free trade have nothing to do with "looting and pillaging", it's a level playing field. Not to worry though pal, you'll soon be able to lock the door and keep the boogyman out.
  8. #248 SmokinP, Dec 14, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
    I don't see anything debunked in that nonsensical article Ed?

    If it makes you feel better when you cheer on the MIC then fair enough I guess.

    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. And who financed and empowered ISIS to throw those people off roofs?
    The very same despot regime you were defending Trump defending, Saudi Arabia.
  10. You seem to be confusing looting and pillaging (US government/MIC) with "saving" the world.

    The US is helping nobody, all it's doing is keeping you guys all snug in your little bubble.
  11. Nonsensical article? That's rather telling. I learned years ago that arguing with you was pointless, even when I put information right in front of you and point at it you still can't see it. Fortunately you do have some redeeming qualities so I still consider you a friend. Reread the article.
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  12. Did the EU place any sanctions on Iraq, or was it a level playing field for those dead Iraqis that your masters carpet bombed?
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  13. Ok here is a time the left can show us if its about politics or the truth. Does the left and the media hold the Clintons to the same standards as Trump? Is this worth a investigation?
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  14. The real left does for sure. Any real leftist can see there is no difference between Bush, Obama and Trump.

    Democrats are not on the left nor are they Socialist.
  15. The EU, UK, Australia, etc etc heaped sanctions upon the Iraqi people along with the US. Where did i say they didn't?

    Because i am critical of the Brexiteers justification for exiting the EU does not imply I'm an EU lover. I believe that anything that opens borders and allows free movement of people, goods and services is a good thing and should be encouraged and celebrated.

    Anything that does the opposite is the enemy of the people and achieves nothing apart from driving barriers and wedges between us.

    What do you believe the British people have to gain from Brexit?
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  16. The old real left that backed her husband against rape allegations? Or the new real left that backed her over Trump? And so you know here in America virtually every socialist organization has fully endorsed the clintons and their progressive agendas.
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  17. I consider you a friend also Ed, we disagree on a lot but can still be civil and respectful to each other.

    I'll have a read again Ed but as they saying goes, history is always wrote by the victor. I have serious concerns regarding the revisionism that has been applied to the Iraqi wars in recent years.
  18. They should all be taken out and shot for insulting the left and Socialism.

    The new watery left are more interested in bathrooms and labels than they are in people. Fucking hipsters more than socialists.
  19. Where is this information found/located? Where would a person look to verify and vet that sort of thing?
  20. Hope:

    • The knowledge that the elite can be hurt through the ballot box.
    • That our ancestors didn't fight in vain against a federal Europe.
    • That the constant Psy op going on against the population failed and BREXIT was achieved.
    • Nigel Farage will be on the RTE/BBC more, he's really sexy and be great to get him in bed with some stockings and a shemale.
    • Once the EU is removed that's one layer of power removed - the public can now fight for constitutional rights to be upheld (magna carta + english bill of rights).
    • That you will realise that your support of any state, amounts to fascism in the true sense of the word.
    • That you're a beautiful man and I love having banter with ya.
    • That every man will truly be born free.
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1

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