Blades, I have to share something and I feel you all are the open ears (eyes) I'm looking for here. I had a close call tonight and I feel like my eyes are as open as the sky. First, I live in SW Michigan where we (apparently) experienced some strange weather tonight. I was driving between 45 and 50 mph on one of the main undivided arteries through my town on my way to a Super Bowl party, feeling pretty good about my speed, as clear as the road looked. I hit some ice and started to fishtail, hard. I've fishtailed all over the place in 8 winters of driving, but not going this fast. I quickly went into a spin when I hit the median snow, and began skidding backwards across the oncoming lanes. There were no cars. Through my back window I saw the steep ditch, and I saw the row of woody bushes. My dad always told me that in a situation like this, if you look at what you want to hit, you will hit it. I cranked the wheel and hit the bushes, HARD. All around me were treacherous things: a frozen pond, large trees, phone poles, and a very steep slope. I was very close to flipping, but sitting at a 45 degree angle. As soon as I pushed the door up and got out, the cars started coming in what used to be the oncoming lanes. I was about five seconds (and ten meters) away from some really bad shit. I've never felt the way I felt when I went into that spin... Tonight every bite of food and measure of music has been exceptional. I used to be a staunch atheist but I can't help but feel that nothing happened tonight because there's still something I'm supposed to do and something didn't let it happen. There was another accident at the same time as me about a mile up the road, and someone got hurt badly. I drove the car home after the wrecker pulled it out. I know this was a long read, but I hope you take the time today to be grateful for what you have surrounding you. It may not always be great; god knows I've been in a hell of a funk lately. But it's yours, and nobody else's, and it can disappear very, very quickly. People always told me this and I didn't listen. Maybe I needed this reminder. If you read this, thank you. I needed to write about it.
That was a great story! I'm glad you're okay. Sometimes we take so much for granted, I've been trying to be more content with my life.
Glad your okay. People take everything for granted. Sounds like you had a good scare..........Scared the bejesus into you...........Atheist huh? I dont think thats entirly accurate.......... peace B