On the morning-after pill being available to under 17s?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by L Rag, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. Being halfway across the world from America, it is hard for me to judge American politics fairly; I'd say our media over here has been relatively biased towards the Obama Admin. Everyone seemed to jump on the first-black-president bandwagon a few years ago and it seems like there's still an historical hangover from it all. I've heard a number of blades vent their frustration at what he has been doing as President; it seems, from their point of view, a typical politician's all talk and no walk sort of deal.

    [quote name='"www.capitalfm.co.ke"']WASHINGTON, Dec 8 – US President Barack Obama defended his top health official Thursday after she barred an emergency contraception pill from being sold over the counter to young teenagers without a prescription.
    The decision, which saw one government secretary overrule another, was criticized by women's rights advocates as a “stunning betrayal” but delighted conservatives.
    “As the father of two daughters. I think it is important for us to make sure that we apply some common sense to various rules when it comes to over-the-counter medicine,” Obama said.[/QUOTE]

    Anyway. I think this is absolutely retarded.

    What do you think?
  2. There are potential complications along with the morning after pill. I'd be uncomfortable with girls under about 16 having access with no supervision. They don't have to have parental permission, just a prescription, which they can get at Planned Parenthood, or other cheap or free clinics.
  3. How Does it Work? - Morning After Pill

    It can be argued that because these morning after pills prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus wall, which is essentially the abortion of a newly fertilized egg. I lean towards allowing them via prescription only for various reasons.
  4. I personally think whatever the age of consent is in the state, that should be the age you can get the morning after pill.

    But that probably makes too much sense to the government, so there is that.
  5. this pill is seems alot safer then a surgical abortion, so i think it should be legal.

  6. I suppose my way of thinking goes..

    A not insignificant number of people under 16 (or under whatever the age of consent is) will have sex.
    It could be argued that people this young don't have the maturity to a) realise the consequences of a potential pregnancy and b) raise a child.
    Therefore the morning after pill should be available to anybody who wants it.

    I mean, it's not like kids are going to hear that the morning after pill can only be obtained with a prescription, and be like "oh damn, guess I'm not gonna have sex anymore."

    People don't work that way.
  7. If there's no dangerous side effects associated with occasional use, then it's probably OK as a Plan B for teenage girls. Obama has daughters, and is getting older, so maybe that's why he's against it.
  8. Divisive politics is divisive politics.

    Let each state make the decision so we don't squander time about it on a federal level when there are bigger issues to deal with.
  9. I know my 16 yo gf @ the time got the morning after but I think someone 18+ bought it 4 her
  10. My ONLY reason I believe it SHOULDN'T be a prescription:

    1. It must be taken within 72 hours of the intercourse, with the percentage of successful intervention droping every hour
    2. Do you know how little time that really gives you to get to a doctor, get a prescription, and then full that prescription?

    To me, that spells trouble for a girl who wants it, but really can't get through that process in time to take the pill successfully.
  11. Strap one of these on a girls waist until she is old enough to move out...when the choice of having a baby puts the burden 100% on the two 'parents' then this could be a viable alternative for the times the hormones run wild...
    [​IMG] She may want o get something for herself while at it....with 2 D cell batteries in it...:p
  12. There really aren't complications, but had someone taught you this... you'd know.

    Where I'm from it was if you were under 18 you needed to have a prescription. If you were over you could go willy nilly.

    Thank you, i agree. More unwanted pregnancy sounds badass. :rolleyes:

    They don't always work efficiantly? I mean, shit happens when you have sex, it's always nice to have a backup plan.

    It's not an abortion pill, it's just a backup plan.

    It's never been an issue here with the teens getting plan b. Some of the clinics around here just need you to come in and see them and they have plan b on hand, and some will just prescribe it for you, which doesn't take long when they fax it to the pharmacy of your choice. Also, they don't charge you money if you're under 18.
  13. I'm a nurse. There are indeed complications, they are not common at all, but it happens, up to and including death. There is no such thing as medication without side effects. Period. But if someone had taught you, you'd know.
  14. It's their body. I think they have more of a right to do what they want to it than we do.
  15. #16 soggydoughnut, Dec 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2011
    if I was 16, a girl, and worried i got pregnant... last resort would be going to my parets. if they did get involved and refused it what then? I have to have a child because of THEIR moral reasoning? No, I'd just have a friend that was over 18 go get it for me.

    It is all great to think that until our children are 18 we know best and get to make all the shots, but a lot of parents ruin their childrens upbringing with that thinking. I can see a 16 year old getting pregnant, wanting the pill, her parents say no because they are religious and make her raise it and basically completely destroying her young life because they feel the need to impose their morals on others. It is 50% of the reason marijuana is illegal and we all saw through that (the other 50% being of course money).
  16. #17 loopster, Dec 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2011
    why not just pay the fucking $8 for god damn condoms instead of a $300 abortion or $40 pill....^ i disagree with your reasoning, Parents are having a hard time molding their kids to be responsible (There's is not an occult way to teach responsibility ) they should not be having sex at such a young age. The world is one day going to become either infertile or retarded from the trace of all these drugs we allow at younger and younger ages.

    You can only let your village of idiots wander so far before they get lost then you must tug on the leash and make some decisions for them.... TO MUCH CHOICE
  17. 1. condoms break
    2. believe it or not sex is a lot better for the man without a condom
    3. today making one mistake does no mean you have to carry out with the most disastrous of consequences, rather you can mitigate further damage. (why not just abstain from weed until it is completely legal?)
  18. Stupid move .. i can't wait till he gets out of office.
  19. I dont care if they let 15 yr olds buy it.... Just dont make me pay for it.

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