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On the menu for the next 2 days... PICTURES THE TRAIN IS BACK!!!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Electus Unus, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. #1 Electus Unus, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2009
    So i ran out of trainwreck and that no name, and earlier today i needed some bud so i called up my friend with the Trainwreck... He was out of town for the day, so i pick up some mids from another buddy. anyways, i smoked a joint earlier and a bowl, so this is only 4 grams (started with 5.3). So im rollin twistin these up and my buddy calls me in the middle of a roll, and says hes back in town, so im gonna buy a gram of Trainwreck. He should be over soon, perhaps a smoking vid is in order.

    but for now, enjoy these pics.

    the sack

    one joint down

    2 down... just 2 to go...

    huuuh... one left...

    end result:devious::devious::devious::devious::devious::devious:

    4 jays and a little drunkenness just waitin on buddy to show up.



    Hoping you ENJOY this as much as I do!!! :D very dank shit, weighted between 1.1 and 1.2 after smoking a bowl. very impressed with this pick up as usual. so again, enjoy, and + rep is always appreciated.

    ps... i figured out how to take super macros with this new camera, so ill post some soon.
  2. yay mids

    pretty good rolling tho
  3. looks like itll be a fun weekend
  4. you got dirt n piff
  5. excuse me?
  6. Nice jays. That trainwreck either is super fluffy or ur scale is small cause that 1.1 looks like 1.5-2gs lol
  7. just incredibly fluffy, but thanks, lol. it is amazing. so fluffy because its homegrown by my buddy i guess.
  8. your scale is still small as fuck, looks like it would only fit 2 grams on at a time. but still pretty nice bud
  9. not my scale anyways, its my buddys, whom i borrowed it from, my old scale got stolen. i use diablo scales.but with this scale, if im weighin anything big i just throw an index card on there gets the job done.
  10. dude thank god im not the only one who uses those top papers n shit.....i just like the way they roll idk why but id rather have those straight papers then the folded ones
  11. Please tell me you de-seeded the bud before rolling.
  12. ive had these forever, they do roll nicely. but juicy jays are by far my favorite. i just dont like how short top books are.

    oh yeah, i separated the seeds as i took out enough buds for each jay. 100% de-seeded and de-stemed

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