On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... four green nuggies, 3 roach clips, two 5 ft. bongs, and a qp of Amsterdam weed..
on the fifth day of christmas superjoint sent to me 5 laaaarge cooolaaaas, 4 green nuggies, 3 roach clips, 2 5ft bongs and a qp of amsterdam weed.
On the sixth day of Christmas , my true love (fraternal mind you) gave to me....... six reams of "rollies" 5 laaaaaaaaarge coooooolaaaaaaas, 4 green nuggies, 3 roach clips, 2 5ft bongs , and a quarter pound of Amsterdam weed.
On the seventh day of crhistmas, my true love gave to me 7 bowls a blazing, six reams of rollies 5 large coooooooolaaaaaaas, 4 green nuggies, 3 roach clips, 2 5ft bongs and a quarter pound of amsterdam weed
on the 8th day of xmas we all got sent to we, 8 THAI STICKS 7 bowls a blazing 6 reams of rollies 5 large cooooolaaaaas 4 green nuggies 3 roach clips 2 5ft bongs and a QP of amsterdam weed