on family feud when asked "name something passed around", one dude answers "a joint"

Discussion in 'General' started by badjer17dum, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Steve Harvey is a lil bitch for freaking out about that
  2. Ofwgkta fuck steve harvey
  3. Mr. Harvey got PWNT--It was on the board! And above the collection plate!! Lolz.

    And why is smoking a doob making hell worthy?
  4. Thats some funny shit. lol. Thanks for sharing. :smoke:
  5. LOL.

    I love how he gets mad and tries to slay the guy with asking if it's on the board.

    And it's on the board lmfao!

    I bet Steve Harvey smokes. He's just a little bitch on television lmfao.
  6. Haha I feel like he knew the whole time
  7. #10 Spyder, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    How did the chick's group get to start? Joint was worth more..

    Contestants were cool, especially the dude, but Steve Harvey is a biggity biotch.

    edit: nvm he got to start

  8. yeah he probably did
  9. Would have loved to seen that on the original "Family Feud" that aired in the late '70s, with Richard Dawson as the host....and heard the studio audience's reaction (& Dawson's reaction to that!)

    "The survey SAID...." :smoke: DING! DING!!! DING!!!!!!!
  10. fuck steve harvey
  11. This video actually made me laugh out loud.. So much irony.
  12. class act i lol'd
  13. Am I the only one who think steve was just messing around with the whole "going to hell thing"? I bet steve was :smoke::smoke::smoke:
  14. HAHAHAHA and it had more than her response.
  15. It'd be funny if the lady then went "A blunt" and it was like #4 lol
  16. I'm pretty sure he was doing that for the sake of his reputation as well as the station. Look at what marijuana has done to Michael Phelps in the public eye. Supporting it would technically make him a supporter of criminals.

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